攻略!abcニュース英語 10/5放送分「米航空業界の苦境」"on the payroll"
■ Keyword 解説
Get some of these workers back on the payroll.
キーワードは、on the payroll 「雇用されて」。
payroll は、「従業員名簿」。
on the payroll で、「従業員名簿に載る」つまり「雇用されている」。
furlough は、「一時帰休、自宅待機」。
layoff は、「一時解雇」。
今回のキーワードは、on the payroll 「雇用されて」です。
■ 字幕対訳
Tonight unprecedented furloughs and layoffs in the airline industry.
More than 40,000 workers out of the job.
unprecedented 前例のない
Airlines not the only ones struggling.
Our parent company Disney laying off 28,000 people this week.
航空会社以外にも、ディズニーが、 2万8000人の削減を予定。
struggling →struggle もがく、あえぐ、
And Allstate more than 7% of its workforce.
Meanwhile, the airlines, which already received $25 billion in federal funding in March,
federal 連邦政府の →連邦政府 Federal government
are now begging Congress for another $25 billion more to get some of these workers back on the payroll.
begging →beg 請い求める、
congress 議会
To those who might be and sitting at home and saying.
"I don't plan on traveling anytime soon. Why should I care about this?"
What do you tell them?
why should we care なぜ気にすべきか
anytime soon 近いうちに
I would tell them that we power the economy.
There's going to be significant reductions in service that are going to affect so many communities, not only small communities but medium-sized and large as well.
significant 著しい
reduction 削減、変形、