①I have heard that human couples enjoy viewing them at night.
②Then it's also what android couples do.
→Wh節 what:~すること
③I do not mind.
*mind 気にする
④But I need to get the right clothes and accessories for it.
*right ふさわしい
⑤It's necessary. First, I have to buy some shiny earrings. Then, I need a scarf.
⑥Androids don't get cold.
⑦It's for the image.
First, I have to buy some shiny earrings. Then, I need a scarf.
I get up at six o'clock and then listen to Rajio Eikaiwa.
I'm going to the party, too. So, I'll see you then.
We've been friends since then.
Not good enough? I'll have to write it again then.
If you eat lots of vegetables, then you will feel healthier.
OK then, let's meet up at 10:30.
Now then, what would you like to do today?
1 Fill in this form, and then hand it to counter number 12.
2 OK then. Let's call it a day.
▽Let's call it a day.(今日はこれで終わりにしましょう)
■現代英語 Maradona's Hand of God ball nets $2.4 ML. at auction
*net 利益などを得る・獲得する サッカーの話題なのでゴールネットにかけた
*ML million
The World Cup in Qatar is just around the corner and one of the most famous soccer balls in the tournament's history has scored a massive sum at auction.
be around the corner 間近に迫っているすぐ近くまでやってきている
score オークションで~の金額をつける
The ball is from the quarterfinal of the 1986 Mexico World Cup.
It was hit by late Argentinian soccer legend Diego Maradona into the goal during his country's match against England.
The point was judged to be a header.
But later, video replays showed Maradona's left hand hitting the ball before it found the net.
The feat was dubbed the "Hand of God" goal.
Argentina went on to win the World Cup trophy
quarterfinal 準々決勝
<late> Argentinian soccer legend Diego Maradona late=故
header ヘディング
before it found the net ネットに到達する前に
*find 行きつく
The durts found the bull's eye.
feat 離れ業
dub (ニックネームをつける あだ名で呼ぶ)be dubbed… ・・・と呼ばれる
go on to それに続いて~する
The ball was owned by a referee who claimed it after the match.
It was auctioned off on Wednesday for 2.4 million dollars.
In May, the jersey Maradona wore in the match fetched about 9 million dollars in an online auction.
claim 手に入れる 獲得する *baggage claim 手荷物受取所(空港の)
fetch 値で売れる ←金額を目的語にとる
just around the corner まじかに迫る
cut corners 角を省略する→手抜きする
turn the corner
in someone's corner ~の側にいる 味方である~を支持している
■Italia, arrivo!(いくぞ、イタリア!)30①水曜日のお試し
Vorrei sapere la ricetta di una salsa per le orecchiette.
【Orecchiette con salsa di noci】(オレッキエッテ、クルミのソースがけ)
①Ingredienti per 4 persone (材料 4人分)
Orecciette ...400gr.
Noci ...300gr.(くるみ)
Olio extravergine d'oliva...40gr.(エキストラヴァージンオリーブオイル)
Sale ...q.b.
Pepe ...q.b.
→gr.=grammiグラム q.b.=quanto basta 適量
1 Tritare bene le noci. クルミを細かく刻みます。
2 Mettere le noci in una ciotola. クルミをボウルにいれます
Aggiungere l'olio. オイルを加えます
3 Mescolare bene. よくかき混ぜます
4 Salare e pepare 塩とこしょうをして味を調えます
5 Cuocere le orecchiette al dente. オレッキエッテをアルデンテに茹でます
6 Scolare le orecchiette. オレッキエッテの湯を切ります。
7 Condire le orecchiette con la salsa di noci.
8 Servire. 食卓へだします。
tritare みじんぎりにする
mettere 入れる/ ciotola ボウル/ aggiungere 加える
mescorare 混ぜる
salare 塩で味付けする
pepare こしょうで味付けする
cuocere 加熱調理する(煮る 焼く ゆでる)/ al dente アルデンテに
scolare 水、湯を着る
condire 味付けする
servire 食卓にだす
What did you make before?
Oh, I want to try Italian dish.