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今やりたいことが一杯ある、hearing に力を入れたい,writing もしっつかり覚えたい、speaking は相手が必要なので英会話スク-ルも余裕があればもっとやりたい、英語の本に限らず色々な本をもっと読みたい、そして友達と旅行に行きたい、等など 数え上げたらきりがないほど沢山ある。
しかし、頭はこんなにエネルギ-一杯なのに 体力のほうは落ちて行く一方で頭の中の考えとバランスが取れない
すると体が”とても疲れているから休みたい”という 体が大事よ と体の何処かが私をひっぱる
そして今日一日は まあいいか と寝返ってと遊ぶことにする。
I have a lot of things which I want to do that. Hearing, writing, speaking of English.
If I had enough money I want to go English conversation school more.
And also I would like to reading various books more.
It just goes on forever.
But It can't keep balance between my thought and my strenth. Because, the strenth is getting to down day by day, though my thought has a lot of energy.
I have a pain on my foot now, because I walked too much yeaterday, yet I shoud be able to study something.
But the mind say to myself " I'm very tired so I want to have a lest today. And another thought draw me to easy way, then I go over to the easy way.
I'm going to take a nap from now.