Am Vormittag habe ich einige Wege gemacht. Es war schon um 2 Uhr als ich nach Hause angekommen bin. Ich hatte einen großen Hunger daher habe ich zu viel gegessen. Ich bin beim Leesn eingenickt.
J'ai eu quelque chose à faire dans la matinée. Je suis rentrée chez moi vers deux heures. Puis, j'ai déjeuné. En lisant un livre, je me suis enformi. Après-midi, j'ai bullée.
I went downtown and did some errands in the morning. First, I went to the police to fetch my member's card of a DIY shop in my neighborhood, which I had dropped and someone had brought to the police. I dropped in at the library and borrowed 10 books. And then, I went to a shopping center, LalaPort Shonan, to buy some clothes for my son. He'll send me the money later online. It's convenient, isn't it? I also wented to the banks to deposit. Finally, I went to see the orthopedist near Hiratsuka Station. Actually, I've been suffering from a severe pain in the instep os of my left foot for a few months. Recently, the pain has grown bigger and bigger. That's why I decided to go and see the orthopedist. After a 3-hour wait, I was called into the doctor's room. Looking at the X-ray, he said that the pain was caused by the hallux valgus, 外反母趾. He said, " you don't want to get an operation, do you? I recommend to me that I should have insoles made. Then, the pain will be eased." I made an appointment to have the insoles made next month. It was about 2 o'clock when I arrived home. I made a big lunch and ate it up. I dozed off over a book. A day has gone too quickly. Anyway, I'm fatisfaied to have done what I had to do during my summer holiday.
息子の頼まれごとで行ったモンベルで、ステキなTシャツを見つけた。 一目惚れして、即購入。 一年に一枚くらい、自分にかわいい服を買ってもいいと思う。 貯まってたポイントで買えた。
ららぽカードのポイントも、モンベルポイントも貯まるし、かなペイ(神奈川県のキャッシュレス)で支払うと後から20パーセントの還元あり。 お得感満載。
この夏のセールですでに3枚( ´艸`)
It had been turned to dark sky and had a rain cats and dogs in a moment.
I’m sorry to hear that you are suffering from the pain on your left foot.
I hope the pain will stop by the insole immediately.
好きな服は好きな時に着るべきです。 モンベルの製品時々購入します。
私も外反母趾ですが 幅広の靴を履いて支障なく過ごしています、インソールで解決すると良いですね、もっと行動的になれますね。