Heute Morgen fing es plötzlich an zu regnen, als ich im Kleingarten war. Ach, du liebe Zeit! Ich war bis auf die Knochen durchnässt.
Ce matin, la pluie c'est soudainement mise à tomber, quand j'était sur le potager. Oh là là! J'était trempée jasqu'aux os.
I woke up at five thirty. I jumped out of futon and got ready for going to the veggie garden. The moment I stepped out of the entrance, the rain came down in buckets. Oh, no! I could do nothing but give it up. When I was studying French, it stopped raining and the sun appeared. I closed the textbook and headed for the veggie garden. When I was sowing beat and turnip seeds, it suddenly started raining. Oh, no! The rain was picking up, and I was drenched to the skin. It was a blessing rain to the seed I had just sowed. I picked some okra and hurried home. It stopped raining just before I got home.
Thank you for your comments.
The rain made the frogs happy.
I feel a sense of affinity for the expressive frogs. At the same time, it seems that Ⅰcan see the nearby environment.
It's amazing that you study French after waking up in the morning.
Why are you able to study?
I haven't been able to study at all.
You and I have a big difference here.
Now, NHK's continuous TV novel Mantaro is rubbing his wife's shoulder.
Before the war, men didn't rub women's shoulders.
Because of today's TV, Mantaro must be rubbing his wife's shoulder like this.