Es fing an zu regnen, als ich nach dem Mittagsessen gerade die Gartenarbeit gemacht. Deshalb bin ich zu Hause geblieben, und mich erholt. Ich habe ein Buch gelesen, und Klavier geschpielt. Ich bin ganz entspannt.
Après-midi, il a commencé à pleuvoir. J'ai renoncé à faire du jardinage. Je me suis mis à l'aise à la maison. J'ai lu un livre, et joué du piano.
The weather forecast said it would rain in the afternoon. That's why I went grocery shopping after I studied French first morning. After lunch, I removed the weeds in our front yard. The clouds covered the sun suddenly, and it started raining. Oh, no! I hurried back to the balcony to avoid getting soaked in the rain. Gazing at the yard and listening to the sounds of the raindrops, I felt calm and happy. The rain made the greenery look more beautiful. Hydrangeas and lavender looked fresh in the rain. Sudden rain is not that bad. Instead of gardening, I spent all afternoon at home leisurely, reading a book and playing the piano. I'm relaxed.
By the way, here are my resolutions in June.
I will:
1. listen to 杉田先生の実践ビジネス英語 春号.
2. review the German conversation class.
3. read aloud the dialogue from まいにちフランス語初級編 after listening to the program.
4. do a brisk exercise after lunch, which is said to shake off drowsiness.
5. do some yoga exercise with, at least, two poses.
Thank you for your comments.
You made a plan for June.
I think it is very difficult to put into practice.
I will support you.
相変わらずの月ごとの目標をたてる習慣はほんとうに素晴らしいと思います、私は毎日毎日 ダラダラと過ごしています(-"-)