Ich bin um 5 Uhr aufgestanden, und ging zum Kleingarten. Ich habe gejätet. Meine Gemüsefreund hat mir Negisämlingen gegeben. Ich habe gefrucht, und Sämlingen gepflantzt. Es dauert den ganzen Vormittag. Nach dem Mittagsessen habe ich zu Hause gechillt. Ich bin entspannt.
Je me suis levée à cinq heures. Je suis allée au potager. J'ai arraché des mauvaises herbes, et planté des negis. J'ai passe un bon moment.
I woke up at five o'clock and went to the veggie garden. I was off, so I made it "Weed Day" today. I felt daunting to see the sea of weeds. I weeded and weeded. Sometimes my veggie friends came up to me, and we had a pleasant conversation. One of them gave me an armful of negi seedlings. Oh, that's kind of him! I didn't find any place to plant them, so I whipped up a new ridge and planted them. Time always passes quickly when I'm in the veggie garden. I went home with a lot of summer veggies for lunch. After lunch, I chilled out at home, listening to まいにちフランス語初級編 and まいにちドイツ語初級編, reading books and cooking meal prep and so on. I'll get back to the trench tomorrow.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
I got the first harvest of edamame this summer, and it was delicious.
初収穫の枝豆の写真を撮らずに、食べてしまった。 残念。
畑友だちから、ネギ苗を一抱えもらった。 植える場所がなかったので、急遽、草をむしって畝を作って植えた。秋から冬にかけて、ネギをふんだんに楽しめる。 ありがたい。
You are going to try your best to weed the grass.
That's great.
You received some leek seedlings.
That's great.
It's also great that you're listening to and reading beginner's French and beginner's German.
You're doing a great job.
Yesterday I weeded the passage next to the left and the north side of the road.
I sweated profusely.