Morgen früh habe ich meinen Vater besucht. Wir haben zusammen gefrühstückt. Das war lecker. Nachdem wir uns eine Weille gut unterhalten haben, bin ich nach Hiratsuka zurückgefahren. Am Nachmittag bin ich zur Arbeit gegangen.
Je suis allée chez mon père tôt le matin. On a pris notre petit-déjeuner. Je suis rentré chez moir, et allée au travail.
I left home around five thirty and took the first bus to Hiratsuka Station. I went to my father's house for some reasons first thing in the morning. When I arrived there, the breakfast had just been ready. We had breakfast which was full of fresh veggies from his front yard. We chatted for a while. I had to go back to Hiratsuka before noon because I had work in the late afternoon. He's been in good shape, but definitely, he's getting aging. I wonder until when he can live alone.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
Watermelons in his front yard are growing.
父の庭の小玉スイカが、順調に育っている。摘果するのが遅れたらどちらも大きく育ってしまい、今更かわいそうでどちらも捨てられないと。 そうだよね~。 二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ずとは言うけれど・・・。
It's amazing that your father seems to be living alone.
Usually, mothers often spend time alone.
But when your father spends time alone, he also has to cook.
Your father does a great job.
Life is hard.
I am worried about your father's condition and reading your diary.
I feel it firsthand.
小玉スイカ 両方ともいい具合に大きくなってくれると良いですね(*^^)v
I’d like to try one of them.
The power of nature is always surprising me.