Der Taifun ist schon weg. Zum Glück gibt es keine große Schaden. Morgen früh ging ich zum Kleingarten. Alle Gemüse waren glimpflich. Ich bin beruhigt.
Hier, il a fait un temps de chien. Aujourd'hui, le soleil a brillé. Il a fait très chaud. On a chaud? C'est trop peu dire; on a brûlé.
un temps de chien
犬の天気 → 嵐のようにひどい天気
C'est trop peu dire!
Frist thing in the morning, I went to the veggie garden. What a relief! No damage there! In the morning, I studied French. After that, I went to the station to get train tickets for the next trip with my father and my sister. I dropped in at a book store and bought NHK radio textbooks. On the way, I came across a French idiom book which has cute illustrations. It's so expensive that I wavered whether to buy it or not, but at last, I decided to rewarded myself with the book because I passed Futsuken pre 2. In the afternoon, I took a 30-minute nap after lunch. Then, I practiced the piano for an hour. In the evening, I hit the gym and worked out for 90 minutes. I'll take a long soak in a bath with 谷地温泉の素 in it, which my daughter had given me. What a relaxing day! Obon holidays are wonderful.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
If I were you, I would have taken a way longer nap.
You are making very effective use of the Obon holiday. The next trip with Father seems to be fun.