ラジオ英会話 Witches’ Loaves Act One 魔女のパン Monday, July 25
●loaf (パン)ひとかたまり・ローフ
Miss Martha Meacham kept the little bakery on the corner (the one where you go up three steps, and the bell tinkles when you open the door).
●tinkle (鈴などが)チリンとなる
Miss Martha was forty, her bank-book showed a credit of two thousand dollars, and she possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart. Many people have married whose chances to do so were much inferior to Miss Martha’s.
●possess 持っている、所有している ●inferior to ~ ~より劣る、下位の
Two or three times a week a customer came in in whom she began to take an interest. He was a middle-age man, wearing spectacles and a brown beard trimmed to a careful point.
●take an interest in … …に興味を抱く、引かれる ●spectacles 眼鏡 ●beard 髭
●trim 刈りこんで整える
He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and darned in places, and wrinkled and baggy in others. But he looked neat, and had very good manners.
●worn and darned すり切れ繕われて ●neat こぎれいな、こざっぱり
He always bought two loaves of stale bread. Fresh bread was five cents a loaf. Stale ones were two for five. Never did he call for anything but stale bread.
●stale bread 古いパン、新しくないパン ●call for 求める、必要とする
Once Miss Martha saw a red and brown stain on his fingers. She was sure then that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in a garret, where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things to eat in Miss Martha’s bakery.
●stain しみ、汚れ ●garret 屋根裏
Often when Miss Martha sat down to her chops and light rolls and jam and tea she would sigh, and wish that the gentle-mannered artist might share her tasty meal instead of eating his dry crust in that draughty attic, Miss Martha’s heart as you have been told, was a sympathetic one.
●chop 骨付き肉 ●light roll ライトロール(小さい丸いパン)●sigh ため息をつく
●crust パンの耳 ●draughty すきま風の入る ●attic 屋根裏部屋
In order to test her theory as to his occupation, she brought from her room one day a painting that she had bought at a sale, and set it against the shelves behind the bread counter.
●test one’s theory 自己の理論を検証する ●occupation 職業
What was Martha Meacham’s profession?
What did the customer always buy?
Recently, I've taken an interest in world religions.
He performed an experiment to test his new theory.
as to ~ 「~に関して、ついて言えば」
That's right, and he's been weighing all sorts of options as to which university to go to and what to study.
He didn't say anything as to where he would go.
I have to make a decision as to which college I should apply to.
基礎英語3 We’re going shopping for hiking clothes
マリ:こんにちは、アスカちゃん。こんにちは、ダグ君。 Hi, Asuka. Hello, Doug.
Hello, Mrs. Fukushima. Is Yukichi home? We’re going shopping for hiking clothes. Can he come?
Oh, that’s perfect. He need a few things. Yukichi? Asuka’s here!
Asuka-chan! Hi! Oh…hi, Doug. Why are you here?
Asuka and I are buying hiking clothes. Want to come?
アスカ:とっても楽しみ。私、お買い物大好きなの! I’m so excited. I love shopping!
Shopping is okay. But with Asuka…it is great! Mom? Can I go?
Sure. Let me get some money for you. Get shoes and a jacket…oh, and a GPS tracker, please. Don’t spend it all.
●GPS tracker GPSトラッカー、 ●spend (お金)を使う
ユキチ:心配しないで、お母さん!大丈夫だよ! Don’t worry, Mom! I won’t!
〇ユキチ君も行けますか? Can he come?
☆相手に言うときは Can you come?
Asuka and I are buying hiking clothes.
〇いっしょに来ますか? Want to come?
☆誘う場合は自分達がすることを言ってから (Do you) want to come? Would you like to come?
Let me … 「~しましょう」提案
〇あなたのためにお金をとってきましょう。 Let me get some money for you.
〇確認します。 Let me check.
〇お手伝いしましょう。 ありがとう、ご親切に
Let me help. Thanks, that's sweet of you.
Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Let me see what I can do.
〇そうねえ。 Let me think.