■まいにちイタリア語初級編 18 イタリア語の敬語
〇Lei ha fame?(あなたはお腹が空いていますか?)
①tu 親しい相手に(君)
Hai fame?
②Lei 知らない人、目上の人、初めてであった人(あなた)
Ha fame? *動詞は3人称単数
Prendi un caffè? (君は)コーヒーを飲む?
(lei)Prende un caffè? (あなたは)コーヒーを飲みますか?
Di dove sei? (君は)どこの出身なの?
Di dov'è (lei)? (あなたは)どちらのご出身ですか?
Ci diamo del tu?(私たちはtuで話しませんか?)と相手に聴くのがよい。
〇練習1 tuとLeiの動詞の変化を復習
parlare: parli/parla
prendere: prendi/prende
partire : parti/parte
capire : capisci/ capisce
①君は英語を話せるの? Parli l'ingrese?
②あなたは何を注文しますか?Che cosa prende?
③あなたはいつ出発しますか?Quando parte?
④君は日本語が分かる? Capsci il giapponese?
avere hai ha
fare fai fa
essere sei è
①君は時間がある? Hai tempo?
②今日は何するの? Oggi che cosa fai?
③どちらのご出身ですか? Di dov'è?
■ラジオ英会話 147 現在形
I don't remember you being rude to me.
remember + ―ing ~したことを覚えている
remember + to~ 忘れずに~する
You must promise to keep this a secret.
promise to ~ これから動詞 ―ingは取ることができない。
direct question 不躾な質問
perplex 当惑する
〇I apologize for being so rude to you the other day.
I promise.(約束します)
I appreciate it.(感謝します)
I agree.(賛成です)
I disagree.(反対です)
First, I turn the dial like this, and then I press the start button.
②午後一時までにもどってくると約束します。 銀行に行かなくてはならないだけなので。
1 I apologize for calling so late. I need to share some important news with you.
2 I promise to return by 1 p.m. I just have to go to the bank.
3 You go strait for three blocks and then you take right at the intersection. The station is right there.
■現代英語 Funai Electric to begin bankruptcy proceedings
Japanese electronics maker Funai Electric received court approval Thursday to begin bankruptcy proceedings. The money-losing company was once known for selling its products around the world. The Osaka-based company was established in 1961 and has made TVs, videotape players, printers, air conditioners, and other products. In 2000 the firm was listed on the former first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
*money-losing 赤字の
The company's website says it began manufacturing liquid crystal display TVs in 2002 and the products once had at top share in the North American market. But its business deteriorated amid increased competition with Chinese makers and other rivals. In 2021 the company went under the umbrella of a Tokyo-based publishing firm and was delisted.
Funai reported a net loss of 13.1 billion yen, or about 86 million dollars for the year ending March 2024 in an August statement. Total liabilities stood at 46.1 billion yen, or over 303 million dollars.
liquid crystal display TVs 液晶ディスプレイテレビ
deteriorate 悪化する 低下する
go under the umbrella of ~ ~の傘下に入る
publishing firm 出版会社
net loss 純損失
liabilities 負債 通常複数形
〇 bankruptcy
①再建型の倒産(chapter 11) GMなど大企業がこの方法を使い再建している。
②清算型の倒産(chapter 7)
〇once かつて/1回