I tackled the Unit 2 of listening comprehension exercise book this morning.
It consists of 3 passages and each passage has 2 questions. It was much harder than the Unit 1. Though I could grasp what is being talked about, I couldn’t find the correct answers to the questions. When it comes to the topics on science, it was Greek to me. I could get correct answers to the half of them, which was much worse than I had expected. When I listened to them twice, I could understand perfectly. After that I read aloud the passages to the voice from the CD.so that I could check which parts I couldn’t follow. I’m going to concentrate on listening training this week. Along with it, I need to enhance my vocabulary. When I went through the words exercise book which I had done before, I found some of the words slipped my mind. They were on the tip of my tongue. Oh, I haven’t do nothing about writing, which is my weakest point!
I have a lot on my plate before the exam. This is no time to slack off.
3つのパッセージがあって、それぞれ2個ずつ質問がある。 何いってんだかはわかったけど、質問に対する答えがわからないのもあった。 科学的なテーマになるとちんぷんかんぷんだ。 半分しかあってなかったよ。もっとできると思ってた。 二度聴いたらできたけど。そのあとCDに合わせてパッセージを音読した。どこが聞き取れなかったか確認するために。今週はリスニングを集中的にやろう。 それだけじゃなく、語彙もやんなきゃなあ。前にやった問題集をもいちどやってみたら、忘れてるのがあるある・・・もう、ここまででかかってるんだけど。 あ、そうだ。作文の練習もしてなかった!
Today's expressions
It's (all) Greek to me. : (まったく)ちんぷんかんぷんです。 (ラジオ英会話 Jan 15)
go through :
もう一度やる、復習する、繰り返し練習する (review)
Let's go through it. もう一度やって見よう。
(苦難を)経験する (undergo)
No one knows what I've gone through. 私がどんな苦しみを味わってきたか、誰も知らない。
slip one's mind : 頭から抜け落ちる、忘れる (ラジオ英会話 4月号)
on the tip of one's tongue : ここまででかかっている
It's on the tip of my tongue. ここまで出かかってるんだけど。 (ラジオ英会話 Jan.15)
This is no time to slack off. : サボってる場合じゃないよ。
今朝、ゴガ友の日記で見つけました。 いっただきま~す!
Thank you for your comment.
I've been looking forward to seeing you again.
Thank you.
I'm glad to hear that.
I also learn a lot from your diary.
Let's support each other.
どうか頑張って!! かげながら応援してますよ。
Oh, that's it!
I completely fortot!
I've read about it long ago.
It's an efficient way to achieve the goal.
Thank you for reminding me of it.
Thank you.
Can I ask what PDCA is?
Well, let me guess, maybe it's "Peko-chan Does Continuous Achievement.", right?
Thank you.
I'm afraid that I study less time than I expected. Though the exam is coming around the corner, I don't want to change my life such as house chores and work.
Anyway, I'll do my best.
I think NHK English programms are full of useful expressions.
I want to make the most of them.
Thank you.
But I'm afraid I can't. Because I had expected to get a high score in listening comprehension but I found it too difficult for me. And what is worse, I haven't prepare for writing yet.
Anyway, I'll take the exam in order to check my ability.
それだけでもエライ! 勉強だけしてればいい身分じゃないので、ムリせず焦らずぼちぼちいきましょうか。
私も、もうチョイ若いころはなかなか続かなかったです。 20年ぶりにマジで英語をやろうと思ってゴガクル始めたのが去年の三月。今回は続いてます。これもひとえにゴガ友たちのおかげです。同じ志の仲間がいると思うと励まされます。あとね、これが最後の挑戦かなと。ここで頑張らないと、もうダメかな・・みたいな気持ちが。半世紀生きてそう思いました。
No way!
If you use that expression, it would mean "I can do it very well!" or something. ^m^
I hope you will pass the English test *eiken*.
You are using nice phrases at today's diary.
If I have a time,I want to copy and paste to my list.
This is no time to slack off!
I second that!