Today is the first day for my daughter to enter the working world.
After 2 months' training period, she is to work full-time as of April 1.
Though she might call me a prig and a pedant, I wanted to give her a lot of tips before planting her in the working world. "Learn from everything." is one of my mantras.
I wonder if she remembers my words saying “Try everything once before you say you can’t.” It sounds like a no-brainer, but I constantly reminded her to be honest. And one of my favorite admonitions is never make excuses. She is never a crybaby. Besides, she’s gentle and calm, unlike me. I think everything will turn well.
When I bundled her off to the work this morning, I just said to her, “Smile!”, wishing her good luck.
今日、娘は社会人第一歩を踏み出した。 2か月バイトとして働いたあと、4月から正社員になる。
うるさいって思われるかもしれないけど、実社会に出る前に伝えたいことがたくさんあった。 「何もかもから学びなさい。」これ、いつも私が言ってること。 「ムリっていう前に、とにかくやってみな。」そう私が言ってるの覚えてるかなあ。簡単なことだけど、誠実であれっていつも言ってきた。 それから、私が口を酸っぱくして言ってることは、言い訳をするなってこと。
娘は決して愚痴や泣き言を言わない。その上、私に似ず、温厚で冷静沈着。 大丈夫だよ、上手くいく。
朝送り出すとき、「にこにこ、ね。」としか言えなかった。 上手くいくように願いながら。
Today's expressions
enter the working world : 実社会に出る
work full-time : 正社員として働く
as of 日付 : ~日付けで
mantra : マントラ、スローガン、
no-brainer : 簡単なこと (頭を使わないほど簡単)
admonition : 忠告
make excuses : 言い訳をする
crybaby : 泣き言ばかり言う人、泣き虫
"Don't be a crybaby." 「泣き言ばかり言うな。」
unlike ~ : ~のようではない
unlike me :私と違って
bundle someone off to ~ : 人を~に送り出す
毎晩風呂に浸かりながら実践ビジネス英語のテキストを音読するのが日課。 読みながら新しい表現を覚えると、使うのが楽しみになる。今日は1月の表現をたくさん使った。 アウトプットの場があると、俄然ヤル気がでる。 ゴガクルに感謝!
ディクテから "Cellphone Germs"
call : 携帯の電磁波
not the calls but the cellhpone itself
calls がcauseに聞こえた
specific : 特定の
give ~ a clean : ~をきれいにする
You had better give your cellphone a clean.
for someone's sake : ~のために
Thank you.
She came home full of hope.
Thank you.
"A red-letter " reminded me of so called 「赤紙」, which is delivered to those who were to go to the army. I made out its meaning, looking up my dictionary. It sounds nice.
Thank you.
Oh, your son will start working in March!
You may feel just like me.
Only we can do is to wait and see.
I always enjoy conversation with you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You are right.
"Sorry" and "Yes, Sir." are the typical words for Japanese working person.
I am thankful for your comment.
Your daughter will become a working adult at last.
The advice you have given her was wonderful.
I'm sure she is wise, she will be all right.
My elder son will start his job training in March.
As rather say,I wanted to say"sorry" and "yes, sir" when I read your admonitions.
Thank you!
Your comments are always to the point.
I'll wait and see her do by herself.
And I'll give her a help if need be.