ラジオ英会話 現在形を使って話をするアドバイス・その5 Friday, December 30
〇ここであなたの出番です。 This is where you come in.
You need to be at the reception hall when it opens at 11:30. After everyone is seated, the MC asks the guests of honor to make a speech. After that, the dinner begins.
During the dinner, more people are asked to make a speech. This is where you come in, Mary. You are number 2 on the list. When the MC introduces you, go up to the microphone in the front of the hall and make your speech.
Could you give me a copy of your speech? I’ll translate it and give it to the MC.
〇はい。では確認させてください。 Okay. Let me make sure I’ve got it right.
I need to be at the reception hall when it opens at 11:30. After everyone is seated, the MC asks the guests of honor to make a speech. After that, the dinner begins. During the dinner, more people are asked to make a speech. This is where I come in. I’m number 2 on the list. When the MC introduces me, I go up to the microphone in the front of the hall, and make my speech. Is that right?
And I can give you a copy of my speech. Thank you for offering to translate it.
〇隅週月曜日の朝9時半にドングリ公園に集合。まず花壇(flowerbeds)に取り組む。花がらを摘み取り(pinch off the dead flowers)、除草(weed)と水やり(water)をする。次に、落ち葉を熊手で集め(rake the leaves)、ポリ袋(plastic bags)に入れる。11時までに完了し(finish up)、解散。
So every other Monday morning at 9:30 we get together at Donguri Park. First we work on the flowerbeds. We pinch off the dead flowers, then weed and water the flowerbeds. And then we rake the leaves and put them in plastic bags. We finish up by 11:00 and go home.
So every other Monday morning at 9:30 they get together at Donguri Park. First they work on the flowerbeds. They pinch off the dead flowers, then weed and water the flowerbeds. And then they rake the leaves and put them in plastic bags. They finish up by 11:00 and go home.
〇表彰式は午後1時にスタートします。まず、校長の挨拶があります。そのあと、主賓からの祝辞があります。そのあと、1時半から賞が手渡されます。John さんには、ここでご登場願います。1位から3位までの表彰状を読み上げてください。
The award ceremony starts at 1 p.m. First there is speech from the principal.
●award ceremony 表彰式 ●There is speech from ... ~のスピーチがあります
Then there is a congratulatory speech from the guest of honor. Then at 1:30 the awards are handed out. This is where you come in, John. Read out loud the certificates of achievement for the first to third place awards.
●congratulatory speech 祝辞 ●be handed out 手渡される
●certificate of achievement for the first place award 一等賞
基礎英語3 Welcoming New Year’s 新年を迎える
Yukichi and his friends talked about how Japanese people spend the end of the year and the New Year’s holidays.
On the following day, they went to Ame-yoko, one of the busiest shopping streets in Tokyo and talked about how New Year’s is celebrated in Japan.
●busiest busyの最上級
On New Year’s Eve, Yukichi received a call from Asuka.
She told him about Doug’s unexpected invitation, which shocked Yukichi.
●unexpected 予期しない、思いもよらない、予想外の
At home, RoboCorpus came to see Yukichi.
He had something important to tell him.
Yukichi didn’t feel like talking with him and shut the door.
〇ユキチはアスカについて考えていました。 Yukichi was thinking about Asuka.
〇ロボコーパスはユキチを心配しました。 RoboCorpus was worried about him.
How come …? 「どうして…?」
how come は会話の途中で今聞いた内容を受けて、驚いた感じで「どうして…?」
〇どうして話してくれなかったの? How come you didn’t tell me?
〇どうして電話しなかったの? How come you didn’t call?
〇どうして彼女はここにいないんだ? How come she’s not here?
〇「わたしはNOと言った。」「どうして?」 “I said no.” “How come?”
We eat special dishes during New Year’s. They are called osechi.
We eat a bowl of soup with rice cakes and vegetables during New Year’s. It’s called ozone.
●a bowl of soup/a soup dish 汁物 ●おもち raice cake
Children receive an envelope of money during the New Year’s holidays in Japan. It’s called otoshidama.
●an envelope of money お年玉 ●the New Year's holidays お正月
シイタケ栽培 3回目
This is to wish you a wonderful holiday season.
爛々と昼の星見え菌生え 高浜虚子
Happy New Year! 良いお年を!
Happy New year! よいおとしを!