◆ラジオ英会話 L149 過去形①丁寧表現
過去形は過去のことだけでは、ありませんよ。 丁寧表現にも使えるよ。
Would you turn down the volume for a second?
R: Sone~, I prefer "Melon-pan". Hey everyone , Akino Roza here.
D: Hi everyone , I'm David Evans, I'm more about "Lemon-Kan" person, myself.
▲本文 デスパレートラッツのデレクがライブ演奏のビデオを見てると、バンドマメージャーのステイシーが部屋に入って来たよ
S: Hi, Derek, What are you watching?
D: It’s an old video of the band performing in Japan in 1993.
S: Oh, that's at Melon-kan! Great concert. Would you turn down the volume for a second? I want to ask you something.
D: No problem. What's up, Stacy?
S: Well, three staff members got sick with the flu.
D: Really?
S: Yeah, it's going around.
D: Bummer. So, what did you want to ask?
S: I need to move the drums to another room.
Could you give me a hand, please?
D: Sure, of course.
・What are you watching? 何見てんのかなぁ?
・turn down 音量などを下げる、
・No problem. What's up? 問題ないさぁ~、どうされはったん?
・ it's going around. 流行ってる、
・need to do ~する必要がある
・need + doing ~される必要はある、~の必要がある
The dishes need washing. = The dishes need to be washed.
・Could you give me a hand, please? 手伝ってくれへん?
・flu インフルエンザ influenzaの略で「flu」で使われることが多い。
vege : vegetable 野菜
app : application program アプリケーションソフト
fridge : refridgerator 冷蔵庫
DIY : Do It Yourself 自分でやる事
Would you turn down the volume for a second?
・Would you~?は「~していただけますか?」を表す丁寧表現。
・丁寧さは本来言いたいことから距離をとることから生じ、ストレートな命令文より相手の意思を訪ねる方にしたwill you?してくれる過去形よりさらに距離を取ったWould you~?丁寧になるよ。
・will you ~? (~してくれる?)過去形によりさらに距離を撮った方が丁寧
①Could you please stay in your seat?
would you~?同様 could you~? も使えるよ。
②Would you mind holding the door?
Would you mind + doing ? (アキが頻繁に使う表現)
③I was wondering if you could give me a hand.
I wonder[I'm wondering / I was wondering]も丁寧表現
Hey, can you come here? I need help washing the dishes.
Kiddo, will you come here? I need your help with the dishes.
Could you please cc me on your emails. I'd like to keep track on the conversation.
Excuse me, I was wondering if you could give me your autograph. I'm a huge fan.
・cc carbon copy カーボンコピーの略 動詞の位置にあるのでCCする。
文書に署名するサインは signature 略は sig
O: (今日も頑張りはったね。
R: Be sure to tune in next time.
※tune in 周波数を合わせる、TV等のチャネルをあわせる、
3.Round numbers 四捨五入
"3.Round numbers 四捨五入
Approximate numbers are called round numbers.
When we express approximate numbers, we use the method called, ""rounding off.""
In round numbers, the numbers, 0,1,2,3 and 4 are rounded down.
四捨五入では、0、1、2、3、4 の数字は切り捨てられます。
And the numbers, 5,6,7,8 and 9 are rounded up.
また、5、6、7、8、9 の数字は切り上げられます。
When we express the number 3124 are the round number of the first digit from the top, We round off the second digit from the top, we round off the second digit from the top.
3124 という数字を上から 1 桁目の丸め数で表すと、上から 2 桁目の数字を四捨五入します。
Because the second digit ia 1, we round it down and the number becomes 3000.
2 桁目は 1 なので切り捨てられ、数字は 3000 になります。
When rounding off the number 71829 to the second digit from the top, we round off the third digit from the top.
71829 という数字を上から 2 桁目に切り捨てると、上から 3 桁目の数字を四捨五入します。
Because the third digit is 8, we round it up and the round number becomes 72,000.
3 桁目は 8 なので切り上げられ、 72,000 になります。
If a number rounded off to the second digit from the top becomes 4500, the whole number before it is rounded off Is in the range 4450 to 4549.
上から 2 番目の桁の概数値が 4500 の場合、四捨五入される前の整数は 4450 から 4549 の範囲になります。"
round numbers 概数
round off 四捨五入
round up 切り上げ
round down 切り下げ"
There are no seats ( ).
4.to leave
The function (of) the machine (is) (to provide) people (for) cash.間違ってるのは何処かな?
The store ( ) open late.
There are many international tourists in Japanese castle. For example, Matsumoto Castle, Inuyama Castle and so on.
It's might be due to the huge spectacle movie, "Shogun 将軍" produced by Sabnaza Hiroyuki in Hollywood.
Especially, Inuyama Castle is not big one, but many international visitors visit Inuyama Castle.
The rate of increase in foreign tourists is the highest in Japan.
The view of the top of floor is amazing.They can see that Nagara river flows below.
映画「SHOGUN 将軍」の影響かもしれませんが、日本の城郭を訪問する外国人が多いようです。
Excuse me, I was wondering if you could give me your autograph. I'm a huge fan.
算数 10/26㈯ 再掲❢ネ コピペしてたべ …デスが
round and round 何度でもやらないと…デスね