『ビッグ』 シナリオスクリプト
従業員:Good morning,Mr Baskin.
バスキン:Good morning.Hey,Brett,How are ya?
秘書:Good morning,sir.
バスキン:I'd like some coffe,please,Miss Patterson.
秘書:But you don't drink coffee!(コーヒーを飲まれないんじゃ!)
バスキン:Make it black.(ブラックで頼みます)
親戚:You know,you two should come to Vermont.
It is so pretty up there right now.
親戚:We spent our anniversary there. 男性
All you did was watch TV. 妻
I popped popcorn,too We watched that intellectual stuff,you know.
(ポップコーンも作った。あれはかなり知的な作業だった) 男
親戚B:Did anybody see that great documentary about Columbus on PBS
男性 the other night?
親戚C:No.was it good?(観たの?)女性
親戚B:I had no idea he had a fourth ship.(4隻目の船の話しで)
バスキン:Yeah,the Santa Cristina.(クリスティーナ号)
男性B:That's right.(その通りだ)
バスキン:Only on his second trip.though.
男性B:You saw it,too.(君も見たのか)
バスキン:But I used to study,you know,that stuff.
Bの息子:Dad, I need some help with my algebra.
(パパ 宿題を見て)
B:Adam,we have guest.(アダム、お客さんが来てるだろ)
Bの妻:He has had the roughest time with algebra.
We've tried tutors,everything. tutors=家庭教師
(家庭教師もつけたのよ) (チューター)
バスキン:With algebra?(代数?)
バスキン:I used to study that.too.(昔、それも勉強した)
Bの妻: Isn't that nice?(それはいいわね)
バスキン: Let's say Larry Bird's gonna score ten points
in the first quater.
How many will he score in the whole game?
バスキン:Probably,OK? And that's algebla(それが代数だ)
Bの息子:But,it is...?
バスキン:One quater is to ten points that he scores in
that quarter.Just as four...
(第1クォーターで 4点)
スーザンの姉:You're right. He's wonderful.
スーザン:I know.(そうよ)
ビリー:“Department of Consumer Affairs”?
ビリー:Yeah, buddy! it came!(やっと来た!)
社員:He's never done this before.
ポール:Get the art department on the phone.
Get them!(いますぐにだ)
スーザン:Send out of some sandwiches.(サンドイッチを届けさせて)
Cajun or deli?()
社長:Maybe next year,Brian.next year.
スーザン:You can do it.(あなたはそれを出来るわ)
バスキン:I can not plan a whole line.(全体企画なんて無理だよ)
スーザン:Why? Nobody knows more about toys than you.
バスキン:Susan, doing that means marketing
and strategy and stuff like that!
スーザン:All he wants is a proposal.
スーザン:You come up with the ideas and I'll handle the marketting.
スーザン:Come on, it's be neat.(できるわ、それが素敵な事よ)
バスキン:Well,I don't know. 今のところ
I don't have any ideas for new toys or anything.
(アイディアも新しいおもちゃも何も浮かばないんだ) 01:17:01
Only on his second trip, though.
I know.
reasonable 使えるようです。
was it good?(観たの?)は、これは意訳ですね。