I cooked tonkatsu for my children's boxed-lunch this morning. I set aside a thick slice of pork out of it for my lunch.
At lunch time I grilled that pork with basil paste which I had made the other day. It was really tender and juicy. Along with the grilled pork, I had green sald and fried potatoes, all of which were from my vegetable garden. It was delicious. I got stuffed. I'm completely satisfied with my today's lunch.
今朝、子供たちのお弁当にとんかつを作った。 私のお昼用に、厚めにスライスした肉を一切れとっておいた。
お昼のとき、その肉にこないだ作ったバジルペーストを塗って焼いた。 とっても柔らかくてジューシー。 グリーンサラダとフライドポテトも食べた。 全部私の畑の野菜だ。
美味しかった。 お腹いっぱいになった。 今日のランチに大満足。
Today's expressions
boxed-lunch : お弁当
set aside : とっておく
along with ~ : ~に加えて
I'm stuffed. : お腹いっぱい。
trillion : 一兆
hundreds of billions of ~ : 何千億の~
mixed : 矛盾をはらんだ
mixed findings 矛盾をはらんだ調査結果
hot-button : 重大な、議論を呼ぶような、深刻な
a hot-button issue 深刻な問題
mixed : consisting of many types of things or people
have mixed emotion/feelings about something :
to be unsure about whether you like or agree with something
I had mixed feelings about moving to New York.
extinct : no longer exsist
a extinct volcano 死火山 ⇔ an active volcano 活火山
a extinct spieces 絶滅種
I think so. I put 1 cup of olive oil and a handful of cashew nuts and some spoonfuls of powder cheese.
But it's OK if I don't eat late at night.
Home made grilled pork is nice.
With fresh vegetables that have harvested your garden!
It will be delicious.
Is basil paste high in calories?
I can't resist something delicious.
そうなんです。 ポークソテーやチキンソテーだけでなく、鯵や鰯や生鮭のムニエルにもイケます。 でも、カロリー高いですよ。 オリーブオイル、粉チーズ、カシューナッツ(ほんとは松の実。でも値段が高いから)が入ってますからね(^_^;)
Thank you for your comment though you are busy and tired after tough work!
Yes, indeed!
I can't stop my appetite!