Today is Monday and this means I take a math lesson.
I learned how to calucalate velocity and acceleration according to differntiation. Isn't it physics? My teacher said, " Kind of,
but this is math." I was in chaos. But my motto is "Go ahead, and don't stop! And return, ifnecessary."
My teacher is a sophomore at the Architecture Department. When he passed the entrance exam last year, I told him to keep practicing English in order not to forget it. Then he said , "I will. " But as is often the case with young people, he couldn't manage to do it because of a lot of things such as his homework, a part-time job, club activities and so on. I would often say, " The day will come when English will help you. So keep practicing."
The other day, he asked me to help him practice English. He said he wanted to restart but he didn't know what to do. I was really glad that he's convinced. I decided to begin with reading some interesting articles. I think it'll help him improve his English command.
Today we had 3 hours' math lesson and 1 hour's English lesson. He said after the lesson, "I think I can keep on.", which made me really happy.
今日は月曜日、数学の日。 微分法に従って、速度や加速度を出す方法を教わった。 これって、物理じゃない? 数学の先生は言った。「まあね。 でも、これ数学だよ。」
もう、アタマごちゃごちゃ。 でも私のモットーは、「進めー!止まるなー! 必要ならまた戻れー!」
数学の先生は、建築学科の二年生。 去年大学に合格したとき、忘れちゃわないように英語の勉強を続けるよう、私は彼に言った。 「やるよ。」と彼は答えた。 でも若いコたちによくあるように、 課題やら、バイトやら、サークルやら何やで、英語の勉強どころではなくなった。 私は彼によく言ったものだ。「いつか英語がキミを助けてくれる日が来る。だから、続けなさい。」
こないだ彼は私に頼んだ。英語やりたいんだけど、何していいかわからないから手伝ってって。 彼がヤル気になって、とても嬉しかった。 私は、何かおもしろい記事を読むことから始めることにした。 英語の力を伸ばすのに役立つだろう。
今日は3時間の数学の授業と1時間の英語の授業だった。 終わってから彼が言った。
「これなら続けられそう。」 私はとても嬉しくなった。
Today's espressions
"Kind of." : 「まあね。」 「そんなとこかな。」
as is often the case sith ~ : ~によくあるように
and so on : 等々
can manage to ~ : (時間などを)うまく使う
convice : ~を説得する
I'm convinced. やる気になりました。
help + O + 動詞の原形 : O が~するのを、助ける、手伝う
apparent :
1. easily seen or understood 明白な、はっきりした
Her smile was apparent on her lips.
It was apparent that the enemy was stronger than they had expected.
His ebbarrassment was apparent to everyone in the room.
2. seeming to be true or real, although it may not really be : 見せかけの、一見、うわべの
I couldn't be sure that his apparent friendliness was sincere.
Thank you for your comment!
No, I'm not a college student, though I used to be about 30 years ago. I'm a mother of a daughter and a son, working some hours in late afternoon form Monday to Sunday. I usually come home from work at around 10 at night. So I have time to do something in the morning.
My children always say, "ママ、遊びすぎ・・・(-"-)"
数学は、自転車の補助なしが乗れるようになったばかりの子供みたいな気分。しかも、イガグリ坊主の中学生だったコが(息子ではないです)今やイケメンの大学生になって、私に数学を教えるまでに成長したのを目の当たりに見ることができ、感無量。 しかも、理系でありながら、英語力をつけたいと思うなんて、感動!
Thank you for your comment!
But not really. I just do only what I want to and I like to.
That's why it has been a mess in my house, I really should clear up. I shouldn't put it off any longer.
Exactlly!!XYZ-san,I think so too!
Peko-san,Do you go to collage?
You study hard,then housekeeping...I don't beleive it.
I have two daugeters and work 8hours,do housekeeping...
So I can't any more.