I couldn't listen to 攻略リスニング入門 today because I wasn't at home for work. But I made prepararion for the lesson this morning. I'm surprised that the text is perfect for me.
Luckily I can use whole of the frist 2 sentenses.
I can't believe how much weight I've put on! I've got to lose this flab. I've been doing the long breath diet for 2 weeks. My friend, who lives on the top floor in the same apartmenthouse, said that I'm allowed to eat anything with this diet. Doesn't it sound sweet? But the excercise hasn't done help me loosing my weight for me so far. Should I give up and go for something new?
I've been going on a diet for more than 20 years. Sometimes I made it but soon I was on the rebound from it. It is the motivation that counts. I need to find a new motivation to go on a diet, though I know I'm in desperate need of dieting for my health.
今日は仕事で、攻略リスニング入門を聴けなかった。 でも、朝予習をした。 私にピッタリの内容でビックリ。 ラッキーなことに、最初の二文は丸ごと使える。
すっごい太っちゃった、どうしよう! このお肉落とさなきゃ。 もう2週間ロングブレスダイエットしtる。 同じマンションの8階の友だちが、ロングブレスすれば、何食べても太らないって言ってた。それって、良くない? でも今のところ効果がないのよね。 これやめて、何か新しいのにしたほうがいいかなあ。
私は、ダイエット歴20年。 成功したこともあるけど、すぐリバウンドしちゃう。 大事なのはモチベーションだわ。新しいモチベーションはないかしら。 健康のために、早急にダイエットしなきゃなのはわかってるけど。
Today's expressions
have got to ~ : ~しなきゃならない
perfect : ~にうってつけ、 ピッタリの
do ・・・ for ~ : ~が・・・するのに効果がある
be on the rebound from a diet : ダイエットしたけどリバウンドする
count : (自動詞)大切である、有効である
It's the thought that counts.
大切なのは気持ちだ。 (気は心)
be in desperate need of ~ ing : 早急に~する必要がある
That's a good idea!
Thank you.
Don't give up!
Otherwise you would be like me 10 years later. ^m^
Thank God it's Sunday, my off day!
Actually I've put on my weight by 10kgs sicne I began to work for this firm. Stress made me fat??? But my boss claimed that my too much eating made me fat.
I am really on a same boat. Everytime I try to go on a diet, I always fail. So recently I almost give it up and on the contrary I start enjoying delicious food. Because when you get sick you can't eat and taste well. Oops, What a convenient excuse it is !
You must be tired, good job this week.
Sunday is your day off, isn't it?
Please relax and enjoy yourself.
Oh! Diet・・・it's also difficult for me.
There are many tasty foods.
And I feel delicious when I am tired!