Today is my off day!
I had been weeding in my vegetable garden for 2 hours early morning. After I came back, I did the washing. Then I went shopping in the supermarket to buy groceries for this week. I found that it was at twelve noon when I came home.
I listened to 攻略リスニング入門. When I was preparing for it yesterday, I thought it was easy to understand. But listening to it, I found it that I had been just conceited. Without looking at the textbook, there were a lot of words I couldn't follow. Mr.Shibahara said that we shouldn't leave any words or grammar unclear because we could make out what was written about. And he said we should make everything clear and grasp the whole with review. Otherwise we couldn't expect further improvement. I thought that his words were exactly aimed at me. Come to think of it, I took a review as just reading through again and memorizing some expressions which I was interested in. Of course I often try to use the words I learned through this program in my diary. But that's not enough.
Actually, I like shadowing and overlapping. And I've already begun struggling with recitation. I made up my mind to do dictation too. I know it's tough, but I'll give it a go.
朝早く畑で2時間畑で草むしり。 帰ってから洗濯して、1週間分の食料を買い出しにスーパーへ。 帰ってきたら昼の12時。
攻略リスニング入門を聴いた。 昨日予習をしていた時、簡単だと思った。でも、聴いてみてそれは単なる私の思い上がりだったと気づいた。 テキストなしではついて行けない単語がたくさんあった。 柴原先生が、なんとなくわかるからといってひとつひとつの単語や文法をわからないままにしてはいけないと言った。 復習のときは一字一句しっかり聴き取って意味を把握するようにとも言った。 そうでないと、それ以上の上達は望めないと。 まさに私に向けられた言葉だと思った。 考えてみれば、復習って読み返して興味のある表現を覚えるぐらいだと思っていた。 そりゃ、覚えたのを日記で使うようにはしているけど。 でもそれじゃあ足りない。
実際、私はシャドウイングやオーバーラッピングは好きだ。 暗唱も始めた。ディクテーションもすることにした。 大変なのは知っているけど、とにかくやってみよう。
Today's expressions
do the washing : 洗濯をする
at twelve noon : 昼の12時
at midnight : 夜中の12時
be conceited : 思い上がっている、うぬぼれている
be aimed at ~ : ~に向けられている
come to think of it, : 考えてみると
take ~ as ・・・ : ~を・・・と解釈する
struggle with : ~と格闘する
I struggle with a difficult problem. 困難な問題と格闘する。
struggle for ~ : ~を得ようと奮闘する
struggle for freedom 自由を得ようともがく
give it a go : やってみる
ipad じゃないです。ふつうのヤツです。SONYの。ふたを閉じると、OI・・・なんじゃこりゃ、にょろにょろマークに、丸い点がついてるマークが、ど真ん中に・・・。
I just do what I want to.
For me, you are great! Because you joined radio calisthenics before you go to work in the morning.
I can't do that.
攻略リスニング入門 is really tough, but it's interesting.
I'm going to make the best use of it. I'm sure it'll do for me.
You spend very hard day!!!
I can't do like you.
I really think you are super mother!!!!!!!
I have listened to 攻略英語リスニング about a year.
But I don't understanding dialogs without the textbook.
Mr.Shibahara usually said "Words you can reading are words you can listening."
I gradually want to increase my vocabulary and English backgrounds.
残念! そう、キュウリですが、家では第3弾は先月20日過ぎくらいに種まき?
Thank you for your kind comment!
I'm glad to hear that. when I was a student, I could easily know how I improve myself through exams, which I didn't like at all.
Now I can't see clearly how much I progress I have made.
But I believe my effort won't betray me.
Yes, it was busy.
But luckily I had time to drink with my friend, who lives on the 8th floor in the same apartmenthouse. We talked a lot about our dieting over a can of beer.
Don't worry!
I also make a lot of mistakes, you know. And I don't even notice them.
I used to try to get up at 6:00 and sprang out from bed at 6:30.
But during this summer I usually get up at 5:30 and 10 minutes later I leave for my vegetable garden. I don't want to go there in the strong sun. That's why I go to bed earlier than before these days.
You had a busy day today!
You were doing well, I'm sure your English will progress.
Go for it!