When I came home from work tonight, I foud thoughtful comments on my yesterday's diary form my gogakuru friends. I was really happy to read them. They cheered me up. I'm thankful to them for their kindness. Gogakuru site is of great help not only with English but with many other things.
Thank you, everyone! I love you.
My busy summer has gone. It wasn't so busy as usual, but it was busy enough to me.
After 5 day's holiday, I'll have another task for autumn. I'll set my new goal for it. But first, I'm going to have a rest and get back my power.
Oh, the bath is ready!
I haven't had a long soak in the bath recently. I'll put my favorite aromatic bathsalt into the hot water and enjoy relaxing time.
仕事から帰って、ゴガ友からのコメントを読んだ。 スッゴク嬉しかった。 元気が出た。 みんな優しいな。 ありがたい。 ゴガクルサイトは、英語だけでなく、いろんなことで私の助けになっている。
みなさん、ありがとう。 大好きだよ(*^_^*)
忙しい夏は過ぎた。 例年ほど忙しくなかったけど、私には十分忙しかった。 5日間の休暇のあと、 秋の仕事が始まる。 新しい目標をたてよう。 でもその前に、ゆっくり休んで、力を蓄えるつもり。
このところ、 ゆっくりお湯に浸かってない。 お気に入りのバスソルトを入れて、のんびりしようっと。
Today's expressions
soak (名詞) :風呂に浸かること
have a long soak in the bath : ゆっくり風呂に浸かる
soak (動詞) : 風呂に浸かる
soak in a hot bath : 熱い風呂に浸かる
Thank you for your comment!
I had a good time today.
I'll be careful not to play too much.
Well done!
You haven't had a long soak in the bath recently have you?
Oh my god!
I'm glad to you could soak yesterday.
Please take a rest and get back your power!
I like you ,too❤