Today is Monday and this means I have a math lesson. But I have no lesson today because my math teacher is very busy with his study. Instead, we'll do it tomorrow.
I didn't want to waste my time in the morning though I have no class. So I decided to study integration by myself for 1 hour and English for 1 hour. As for English, I tried dictation of the 攻略リスニング入門. It was about Sherlock Holmes. At first I intended to dictate the whole transcript, but it was too much to do. I just dictate only 1 paragraph. It was spoken so fast that I couldn't follow it. I listened to it again and again. Though I know it's one of the most effective way to master English, it's hard to do it every day. It requires tenacious effort.
今日は月曜日、数学の日。 でも、数学の先生が大学の課題で忙しいから、今日はお休み。 代わりに明日やる。
数学の授業がないからと言って、午前中を無駄にしたくない。 だから、自分で積分を1時間、英語を1時間勉強することにした。 英語は、攻略リスニング入門のディクテーションをやってみた。
シャーロック・ホームズの話だ。 最初は全文をディクテーションするつもりだったが、量が多くてムリ。 1段落だけにした。とても速くてついて行けない。 何度も聴いた。
英語をマスターするのに最も効果的な勉強法の一つだとわかっているけど、毎日やるのはキツイ。 粘り強い努力が必要だ。
Today's expressions
as for ~ : ~に関しては
tenacious : 粘り強い、頑固な
1. very determined to do something
tenacious effort 粘り強い努力
2. unwilling to stop trying
He is tenatious of old habits. 彼は古い習慣をやめない。(古い習慣にこだわっている。)
でも私ダメ子ちゃんですよ~。 一個ずつかたずけるそばから、また一個散らかるし。
Thank you for your comment!
I'm greatly influenced by you too. Otherwise I couldn't keep on writing.
Thank you.
そうでしたが・・・。R221B at the Baker Streetにこもってらっしゃるから、時々お姿をお見かけしないんですね^m^
Thank you for your comment!
It's very kind of you to say such a thing.
You are a good mother because you are proud of your daughters.
Thank you too.
I'm just what I want to do.
I'm eager to visit Oze, reading your diary.
You are thinking positively and anytime doing your best.
I'm influence you.
Dictation is very difficult.
I'm doing it, and, in spite of very very short sentence, I can't do it well.
I'm quite sure it's one of the most effective way to study languages.
さらなる、さらなる tenacious effort without stopping が私には必要です。笑
Room 221B at the Baker street にこもって勉強します。マリファナはやりませんが・・笑
I really respect you!!!!
You are the greatest woman I've ever known!!!!
I'm happy to read your diary(sometimes very difficult to understand)
You are a good worker!
I follow your example.
Thank you .