My busy summer has just begun.. But not much busier than I thought. I had to work from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. except Sunday during summer last year. It was really tough. This year my boss changed his policy and decided not to open in the morning. So I only have to be there by noon. It's earlier than usual, but far better than last year.
Today is Monday and this means a day for my math lesson. We began integration. While I was studying, I felt a strange but wonderful feeling. Something clicked in my mind. I can say that my synpsises are connected. Something that I had not made out suddenly turned clear. It was a wonderful and exciting moment. I like that kind of feelings.
My math teacher doesn't understand how I feel, though he also felt such a feeling when he was studying.
忙しい夏が始まった。 でも、思ったほど忙しくなかった。 去年h夏の間中、日曜以外朝の9時から夜の9時半まで働かなきゃならなかった。とってもキツかった。 今年は上司が方針を変えて、午前中は開けないことにしたのだ。 だから私は正午までに行けばいい。いつもよりは早いけど、去年よりはずっとマシ。
今日は月曜日、数学の日。 積分法に入った。 勉強しているとき、何だか変な、でもスッゴくいいカンジがした。 スイッチが入ったみたいな。 シナプスがつながったって言っていいかも。 ずっと解らなかった何かが、突然クリアになったみたいな。 スッゴくよくてワクワクする瞬間だった。 私はそんな感覚が好き・。
数学の先生は、それがわからない。 自分だって受験勉強してるとき、そんな気持ちになったことあるのにね。
Today's expressions
much 比較級、far 比較級 : (比較級の強調で)ずっと~、はるかに~
integration : 積分法
click : カチッという
感謝<(_ _)>
Thank you for your caring comment!
I'm really happy that I can do anything I want to.
Health is indispensable to us for our happy life.
Thank you for your kind comments!
I'm glad to have time in the morning this year. But I'm paid by the hour. So my income will greatly decrease (>_<)
携帯の絵文字の、電球がピカッと光ってるやつみたいなカンジです (^_^)v
You are enjoying to learn very much!
I am impressed your positive attitude and to keep study at your own pace.
I was relieved to hear that you are not so busy this summer.
Don't overdo it. 無理し過ぎないようにね☆~
You are super woman!
You were lucky that your boss changed his policy!
But you have to work from noon to night,please take care.