Today is Monday and this means the day for my mathmatics lesson.
My math teacher, who is a college student, is very busy doing his architecture homework this week. So we stated at 9 and finished at 11:30 this morning. After 3 months' lesson, I got through the differentiaion functions at last. I was really glad about it. I'll study integration from next Monday. Of course I'll continue to practice calculation of differentiation so that I won't forget how to do it.
Because I came home earlier than usual, I had enough time to help my son with his English reading homework before going to work, which he asked me to do.
数学の先生が今週は建築の授業の宿題で忙しい。だから、今日は朝9時から始めて11時半には終わらせた。 3か月の授業の後、ついに微分法が終わった。とっても嬉しかった。 今度の月曜日からは、積分法に入る。もちろん、忘れないように微分の計算は続けるつもりだ。
今日はいつもより早く帰ったから、仕事に行く前に息子の英語のリーディングの宿題を手伝う時間があった。 わからないとこ教えてって、頼まれていたのだ。
Today's expressions
get through : 終わらせる、やり遂げる
backbreaking : backbreaking work is difficult and tiring
tiring : making you feel tired
tired : feeling that you want to sleep or rest
I'm tired.
It's a good idea to study it with your daughter.
I've never studied neither differentiation nor integraton. So it's new and fresh to me though it's very difficult to understand.
But...of cource I think that I forgot perfectly!
Nest year my daughter will go to high school,so I want to study one more time look like you!!
Thank you for your comment! It encouraged me a lot.
I learned integration last March in 数Ⅱ, but I'm afraid I've forgotten everything. So I'm going to go it over.