Though the weather report said that it would be rainy today, luckily it hasn't begun raining yet. I wish all the sky will be cleared up by the midnight. I'm going to watch the Perseus awarm of meteors tonight.
I'm really excited about it. Until then, I'm going to study English.
Whenever I go to Tokyo by train, I always buy The Japan Times at KIOSK in order to kill time on the way. I bought one yesterday and read it through on the train. I found some interesting words and phrases. I'm now checking them by my dictionary.
天気予報は雨だって言ってたけど、幸いまだ降っていない。夜中までに雲が晴れてほしい。 ペルセウス流星群を観るんだもの。 とってもワクワクする。 それまで英語の勉強をしてよっと。
電車で東京に行くときはいつもキオスクで、英字新聞を買う。長い道中、時間を潰すためにね。 昨日も買って、電車で読んだ。 興味深い表現を見つけた。 今、辞書で調べてるところ。
Unstoppable Yoshida captures gold in wrestling at third straight Olympics
吉田三連覇 レスリング (日経新聞の見出し)
unstoppable : (adj) unable to be stopped
straight : one after the other
for seven straight days 7日間ぶっ続けで
three straight wins 3連勝
lose 3 straight games 3連敗する
straight といえば、こないだ実践ビジネス英会話で "He is a straight shooter." (正直な人、真面目人間)というのを覚えました。
この場合のstraight は honest and direct
straight : (adv) happening one after the other in a series
I used to work 12 hours straight. 私は12時間ぶっ通しで働いたものだ。
Nadeshiko falls to U.S. in final
なでしこ 「銀」 (日経新聞の見出し)
fall to ~ : ~(の攻撃)に屈する
possibly : たぶん、もしかしたら
Possibly she knows what happened.
= It is possible that she knows what happened.
The 33- year-old Sawa, playing in her fourth and possibly final Olympics, said.......
4度目でひょっとすると最後になるかもしれないオリンピックでプレーして、沢選手は言った・・・のほうがイイかな。 ,playing は、分詞構文ですよね。
One of the Nadeshiko member said in the interview, "This fournament has helpd me develop a lot."
This is a useful expression. I can use it. Say, "Gogakuru has helped me develop a lot."
I'm glad when I find new phrases which I can use in my diary.
Well, I've got to go now. I wish myself a wonderful monent.
なでしこのメンバーの一人がインタビューで言っていた。 「この試合は私が成長するのを大いにい助けてくれた。」 これ、使える。 こんなのどう?「ゴガクルは、私が進歩するのを大いに助けてくれている。」
役に立つわ。 使えるプレーズ見つけると、とても嬉しい。
ああ、もう行かなきゃ。 見えますように。
I found that each newspapers states the fact on their own view.
So there are a lot of differences among the papers. Interesting!
I respect for your practice!
Representation in the newspaper would be helpful.
It's good reading English newspaper on the train.
I feel it difficult, but someday I'll try.
It will be cleared up by the midnight.
Maybe you can see the Perseus swarm of meteors☆
Please tell us about it tomorrow, I'll go to bed.
Could you watch Perseus awarm of meteors?
How was it?