What happened on earth?
I've just finished writing my diary on the Perseus swarm of meteors. But I found everything disappeared! I should write it again!
To make a long story short, I saw the perseus swarm of meteors last night, well, strictly speaking, today. Because it was a little past midnight when I saw the first shooting star.
It was supposed to be seen after 10 at night. I asked my husband to take me to the top of 湘南平, where seems to be the best place to watch stars. It was a cloudy night. We had been waiting fot the clouds to go away, but there was no sign . At last my husband insisted on going home. He said there's no use waiting any longer. I didn't want to give up but I accepted it.
When I got out of the car infront of my house, I was really disappointed and sad. I couldn't give up and didn't feel like entering my house. Wishing to see one, I looked up at the sky. It was the moment when I saw a shooting star going. Something bright suddenly appeared in the sky and it disappeared in an instance. What was it? It was a shooting star! I was astonished to see it. Marvelous! It was sparkling in the dark sky. It looked like a stroke of the brush of white paint. I ran up to the 8th floor to have a closer look. I was standing at the stairs and staring at the sky. Soon I saw the second one. It was pale blue. Beautiful! Splended! I can't put it into words well. The third one is tiny and slow, which was staggering and disappeard.
I was so excited and happy to see the wonders created by nature. I can't help being thankful to something great for giving us such an amazing gift.
何が起こったんだろう? せっかく書いた日記が全部消えちゃった。 また書き直し。
長い話を短くすると、私は夕べ、ペルセウス流星群を見た。 厳密に言うと、今日ね。 最初の流れ星を見たのは、夜中の12時過ぎだから。
ペルセウス流星群は、10じ過ぎから見えると言われていた。 ダンナに車で湘南平に連れてってと頼んだ。 星を見るのに一番よさそうなところだ。 雲の多い夜だった。 雲が晴れるのを1時間待ったけれど、ダメだった。 ダンナがもう帰ろうとせかしたから、仕方なく従った。
マンションについたとき、私はガッカリ、ションボリ。 諦めきれず、家に入る気になれなかった。 ひとつでも見れたらと願いながら、空を見上げた。 私が流れ星が飛ぶのを見たのは、その瞬間だった。 何か明るいものが突然現れて、一瞬で消えた。 今の何? 流れ星だ! 驚いた。 素晴らしい! 闇夜に煌めいていた。 白い絵の具の筆で、サッと一筆描いたみたい。 もっと良く見ようと、8階に駆け上がった。 階段のところに立って、空を見つめていた。 すぐに2つ目を見た。 淡い水色。 キレイ! スゴイ! 言葉にできない。 3つめのは小さくてゆっくりで、 ヨロヨロ飛んで消えた。
自然の驚異を見ることができて、とても嬉しい。 こんな素晴らしい贈り物をくれた何か大いなるものに、 感謝せずにはいられない。
Today's expressions
to make a long story short : 長い話を短くすると
strictly speaking : 厳密に言うと
insist on ~ing : ~することを主張する
in an instance : 一瞬で
a stroke of the brush : 一筆
have a closer look : もっと良く見る
be thankful for ~ to ... : ~に・・・のことで感謝する、ありがたく思う
can't help ~ing = can't help but 動詞の原形 : ~ せずにはいられない
It happens all the time to me. But I don't know why.
I'll master "コピペ" during the holiday.
Yes, indeed! I was very lucky.
It was really fantastic!
At least one of my wishes came true: it was "I wish I could see a shooting star."
You were unlucky,weren't you?
But I didn't know that many gogakuru friends were writting using WORD.
I'm surprised.
Oh! You were very lucky you could see shooting stars,
and had a wonderful time!
It's difficult to see them,
because of the light pollution of artificial lights from the ground.
In addition, it was cloudy night.
I know what you mean.
The shooting star was so beautiful
that I forgot to prey my wishes at any time.
Living is wonderful!
You had a romantic time !
a stroke of the brush of white paint, pale blue,tiny and slow ・・
OMG、なくなった! 僕もたまにあります。
Thank you for your comment!
実は今日少しやってみました。 ちょっとできるようになったこともあります。