Today is the last day of my summer vacation.
I wen to the supermarket nearby first thing in the morning to get groceries for this week because I won't have time to go shopping until next Sunday. Then I polished my kitchen. Beautiful! The other day in my holiday I polished bathroom and I felt very comfortable.
To tell the truth, I should have cleaned up our living room. But I've put off evry time. Is this the time I should do that? Maybe yes. But I don't feel like doing it. Thanks to my gogakuru friend's impressive words, I decided to put it off. And I decided to spend my day on what I wanted to do in the afternoon. His words really eased my mind.
I lay back on the bed, reading a book and a magazine. It's a hot, lazy summer afternoon.
The gentle breeze sometimes came into the room throuth the window. How happy! How comfortable! When was the last time that I was lying back on the bed during the day, not doing something special? I fell into a doze. I don't think it's a waste of time. Because it made me happy and reminded me of my childhood. Oh, the title of the books? One is "How to master English" and the other "How to flatten your stomach"!
I like my white wine chilled on such a day. My summer vacation ended with the confit of sardins and an iced dry white wine.
朝一番で近所のスーパーに行き、一週間分の食料を買った。 今度の日曜日まで買い物できないからね。 それから、お台所をピカピカにした。 キレイ! お風呂と洗面所は、休みに入ってからもうキレイにして、すごく気持ちよかった。
ホントは、リビングを片づけなきゃだったの。 いっつも先のばしにしてて。 今日やらなきゃだよね? でもなんか気が重い。 そんなとき、ゴガ友の言葉が印象的だった。 決めた、また今度にしよう。 午後からはやりたいことしよっと。 (って言うか、これ読んでる人に、いつもやりたいことばかりやってるじゃんって、突っ込まれそう(^_^;)) ゴガ友の言葉は、私の心にのしかかってた重たいものを、とりのぞいてくれた。
布団にゴロゴロして、本やら雑誌を読んだ。 夏の暑いけだるい午後。 穏やかな風が、ときおり窓から入ってくる。 あー、幸せ! なんて気持ちいいの! 昼日中から、何もせずにゴロゴロしてたのはいつの日だったのか。 思わずうとうとしてしまった。 これが時間の無駄とは思わない。だって、ハッピーなんだもの。 それに、子供のころを思い出させてくれたし。 え、本のタイトル?
1つは「英語100時間大特訓」、 で、もう一つは「革命的やせ方、腹ペコトレーニング」(^_^;)
こんな日は、冷えた白ワインがいいな。 私の夏休みは、キンキンに冷えた辛口の白ワインと、鰯のコンフィで、幕を閉じた。
Today's expressions
(the)first thing in the morning : 朝一で、朝一番で
put off = postpone : 延期する
Don't put off what you should do today. 今日すべきことを、明日に延ばすな。
ease one's mind : 心の重荷を取り除く
lie back : ① 仰向けに寝転ぶ ② リラックスする、何もせずにくつろぐ
during the day : 昼間っから、
lazy : ① 怠惰な ② ものうい、けだるい、のんびり過ごす
a lazy summer day けだるい夏の日
a lazy Sunday のんびり過ごす日曜日
fall into a doze : (思わず)うとうとする
like O+C : O が C なのが好き、O がCであることを望む
I like my wine chilled. ワインが冷えてるのがいい。
How do you like your coffee? コーヒーはどんなふうに?
I like it black, please. ブラックでお願いします。
I like my 餃子 soaked with vinegar. 私はお酢をたっぷりかけた餃子が好き。
C になるのは、形容詞、過去分詞。
end with ~ : ~で終わる
start with ~ : ~で始まる
日本テレビ朝の情報番組 "ZIP" でやっていたんです。だからてっきり見たのかなと
It's very sweet of you!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
You should try it. I'm sure you like it because you love sardins.
What is "ZIP"?
Oh, you like 餃子too!
I'd give anything for 餃子.
That's right! Not to overtire about cleaned up.
You ought to take a little rest.
Anyway, you had a nice summer vacation.
I thought you enjoyed a lot this
鰯のコンフィ seems delicious! I'll try it!
I'm so glad to you had a nice summer vacation.
And how cool you have confit of sardins and an iced dry white wine!
Did you watch ZIP in the morning?
You wrote "I like my 餃子 soaked with vinegar."
I love 餃子 soaked with soy sauce & "ラー油"
Good morning!
Thank you for your comment!
It was really nice. I'm completely satisfied with my summer vacation.
I'm going to work after I finish hanging the washings out to dry.
Yes, indeed!
A short time nap refreshed me a lot!
You're right.
My name, peko, comes from Peko chan who works for Fujiya. She is just like me. I also have a tendency to relate everything to food. I'm always thinking of food. That's why it's not easy to put my weight down.
Thanks to you, I enjoyed my last day of the holiday to my heart's content.
I completely look like Peko-chan who is standing in front of Fujuya in your town. That's why I made my nickname "peko".
Nice is your summer vacation.
The scene ended with the confit of sardins and an iced dry white wine is cool!
How smart you spent the last day of the vacation. I always take a knap whenever I have a free time. It really refreshes yourself, doesn't it? As ハット-san wondered your name peco, is it anything to do with PEKO-chan of Fujiya? I have tendency to relate something to food. How gluttonous I am!