The ideal and realistic way to spent happy morning
“Early birds are happier and healthier than night owls.”
It is said in the article I listened to this morning.
I thought of the way to spend my busy morning because I wanted to make the best of it..
I get up at 6 o’clock, well, at latest by 6:15. And I go to my vegetable garden while I have washings done by the washing machine. I come back by 6:45 to be in time for ラジオ英会話. After I listen to it, I learn the dialogue by heart in 5 minutes. Then I hang the washings out to dry, shadowing an article in the English Express with MPA3, which I finally succeeded to take in yesterday. After that I sit at PC and check through the gogakuru site and write some with a glass of iced coffee. And have some yogurt with a banana for breakfast. The room is filled with the aroma of coffee. How comfortable! It would be a good starts for a day.
I tried it this morning. It worked. I made it.
But in order to keep this I should go to bed by 24:30 at the latest. Otherwise I would suffer from the lack of sleep. And what is more, I should spare my time for preparing breakfast and boxed lunches for my children after summer vacation is over. Maybe I’ll find out a good idea by the time their school starts.
6時起床、うーん、遅くとも15分までには。 洗濯機を回している間に畑へ。ラジオ英会話に間に合うように、6時45分のは戻って来る。 それを聞いた後、5分で今日のダイアログを暗記。 それから、MPA3にいれた雑誌の記事をシャドウイングしながら、洗濯物を干す。 昨日、PCからMPA3に取り込み成功。そのあと、アイスコーヒーを飲みながら、ゴガクルサイトをチェック、コメントを書く。そして、バナナ入りヨーグルトで朝ごはん。コーヒーの香りが部屋に漂い、なんて心地よいの! 素敵な一日の始まりね。
でもそのためには、遅くとも12時半までには寝なくちゃ。 でないと、寝不足で大変。 それと、夏休みが終わったら、子供たちの朝ごはんとお弁当を作る時間をキープしなきゃ。学校が始まるまでに考えよっと。
Today's expressions
early bird : 早起きの人
night owl : 夜更かしの人
make the best of~ : (不利な条件を受け入れ)極力善処する、(持っているものを)最大限に活用する
hang the washings out to dry : 洗濯物を干す
take in : (データなどを)取り込む
a good start : さい先のいいスタート
at the latest : 遅くとも
by ~ at the latest : 遅くとも~時までには
figure out : 考え出す
by the time S + V : S がVするまでに
Is it MP3? I thought it's MPA3.
Oh, it's MP3! Thank you.
MPA3 is the machine which I had something to do with at work when I was young.
コメントくださって嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。
でも、ゴガクルやってると、ついつい night owl になっちゃうんです。
Thank you for your comment!
I'm really thankful to you for my PC.
The functions I learned are very useful. They help me a lot.
That's too bad for you laundry. But it was a welcome rain, because we have had no rain for a week!
だって、おかたずけはあとまわしだもん。 断捨離うまくいったら、もっと効率よくなるかも。ひでさんは 早起き鳥さんですよね。規則正しくてエライな~。
"You will never find time for anything.If you want time you must make it."
That is to the point.
I found that I should manage my time to do what I want to do.
Thank you for your kindness!
I'm Cinderella so I have to go to bed by midnight. So don't worry.
Not really.
It's not so hard as you think. Because everyting is what I want to do except whashings. But it depends on my leaving time for work.
Summer shift is tougher than usual. So I have to make lunch and supper in the morning.
Oh, you leave home so early!
I can't do with such a hard schedule!
You are a dearly riser!
You're very good at time management.
As the saying is "You will never find time for anything.If you want time you must make it."
I should do it!
It's important to sleep enough.
Then, don't sit up late.
But you are a great one.
You do work easily.
I cannot imitate you.
I cannot do it.
But I go for it.
Did you tried everything?
I can't do that!
I have to leave at 7:30 AM.
What time shuld I get up.....?