I had wanted to try fried dough cookies of goya since I read mygogakuru friend's diary the other day. Today is my off day and I have enough time to make it.
Luckily, I got 3 goyas for 100 yen at farmer's store near my house. Following her instruction, I made it carefully. Delicious! The fried dough cookies with sweet soy-sauce flavoring! It was really to my taste. As I couldn't imagine what the sweet goya was like, I made it with only one of them. But it was so delicious that I made it with the rest of them. Just when I finished making it, I got an e-mail from my friend to have some drink together. So I ran up to the 8th floor with beer and freshly made fried dough cookies of goya. She liked it very much. We ate up 2 goyas over a can of beer and a glass of plum wine.
With 2 more work days, I'll have holidays again. As unusual, my boss decided to close the office for five days. He wants us to take enough rest to prepare for the autumn tasks. I've never had so many holidays in this office. The more holidays I get, The less income I have. But I'm pleased with his decision.
My working hours will be from 9:00am to 9:30 tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. What is worse, I get 10 minutes' break every 90 minutes. I can hardly eat all day. But I'll do my best. A 5-day holiday is waiting for me!
ずっと作ってみたかったんだ、ゴーヤのかりんとう。 こないだ、ゴガ友の日記を読んでから。 今日はお休み、作る時間がたっぷりある。
ラッキーなことに、近所の直販所で、ゴーヤが3本100円! ゴガ友の教えてくれた通り、注意深く作った。 美味しい!甘辛あじの、かりんとう! 私好みの味。 ゴーヤのお菓子なんて、想像もつかないから一本だけやってみた。 とっても美味しかったので、残りも全部かりんとうにした。 ちょうど作り終わったとき、呑み友から、「呑まない?」ってメールがきた。ビールとできたてのかりんとうを持って、8階に駆け上がった。 彼女もたいそうお気に召し、二人でゴーヤ2本分のかりんとうをたいらげた。 ビールと梅酒のおともに。
あと2日働けば、またお休み。 今までにないことなんだけど、上司が5日間会社を休みにする。 秋の仕事のヤマに備えて、リフレッシュするようにって。 この会社でこんなにたくさん休みをもらったことなんて今までに一度もない。 休めば収入が減る。 でもけっこういいかな。
明日とあさっては、朝の9時から夜の9時半までの勤務。 休み時間は90分に10分だから、食べる暇がほとんどない。 でも頑張るよ。 5日間の休みがまってるもん。
Today's expressions
fried dough cookies : かりんとう
with sweet soy-sauce flavoring : 甘辛の
sweet bitter, salty sweetとも言うようです。
They are freshly picked goyas yestrday morning.
It's really delicious. I couldn't stop eating.
I'll pant it next year.
3 goyas for 100yen ? You've found a real bargain.
I can hardly imagine the sweet goya,
But It must be delicious and good for おつまみ!
Keep trying!
My 呑み友、who insisted that we should do the long breath diet together, has already given up that diet method.
We are always taking about the way to lose our weight, drinking and eating a lot.
The fried dough cookies of goya??
I've never heard.
It sounds intersting!
I want to try to make!
I like to drink,too(^^♪