I've just come back. I had dinner with my friend at a Portuguese restaurant in Shinjuku.
She has been my close friend since we were junior high students.
The dishes are fantastic and we had a very good time. I missed the last bus.
The Madeira wine was too strong for me to write any more.
Good night!
You hit the nail right on the head!(図星です。)
It was terrible! But now I'm OK.
Maybe tomorrow will be day of the hangover?
Yes. I think Madeira wine is strong, though I don't know its degree. Strong but very sweet and tasty.
Well, no problem with the normal amount of aocholic drink. But I'm afraid I drank too much. We began with a glass of chamagne. Then 2 bottles of white wine. And then, a glass of Madeira wine.
Oh, yoo too?
I'm also a chocoholic!
Thank you for the word, "ganache truffle"!
in spite of you were in liquor.
Is the Madeira wine quite strong wine?
Anyway, you had a nice time with your friend and delicious dinner.
And, I want to have ganache truffle.(生チョコトリュフってこれでいいのかしら?)
I'm a chocoholic!
特に気に入ったのは、「鰯の炭火焼き」や、「タラのコロッケ」。 「海老と胡瓜とグレープフルーツ」のサラダも美味しかったです。食後のスイーツも最高!生チョコトリュフがなんと1個10円、しかもとろけるお味♡
Sorry, I made a spelling mistake.
Not "Prtuguese" but "Portuguese". ポルトガル料理。
The dishes are similar with Japanese ones such as "grilled sardin",
"fish croquettes" and " clam steamed with wine".
I have a heavy hangover.
I wonder whether I drank too much.