I worked from 9:00 am to 9:30 am today.
Before I left home, I was shadowing the text while making curry for my family's supper. At last I reached the extent that I couldn't make out any further. So I checked the text.
The 2 passages that I couldn't un derstand yeterday suddenly became clear this morning. After I checked them in the text, I could catch them correctly. I did it well except missing a few "a" and "the" . I'm going to tackle a ne article tomorrow.
Dream on. 考えが甘いね。 あり得ないね。 (何、夢みたいなこと言ってんの!)
power through ~ : ~を最後まで精力的に続ける
power through a workout トレーニングを最後まで精力的に続ける
work on~ : ~に効果がある
The exercise worked on me. その運動は私に効果があった。
Thanks to you, I keep my good condition.
At the beginning it's you that supported me to keep on writing. And now I have a lot of friends to support me. I'm really thankful because I'm afraid that I couldn't keep on without gogakuru friends.
Don't you think chance encounters make our lives wonderful?
Oh, it's high time I went to bed!
I've been following your advice that I should sleep more than five hours and a half.
Good night and have a nich weekend!
Right on! (その通り!)
A success gives us confidence and encourages us to face another exciting challenge.
But what if we fail? It's no problem. A failure also gives us a lesson and a desire to improve ourselves.
I learned that patience was the key to the success.
Thank you for your caring comment. It's been crazy.(ばたばたしてます。あわただしくて。) Working from 9:00am to 9:30pm was tough. I couldn't get up at 6:00 this morning.
But with one more day, It'll be Sunday, my off day!
A long breath diet?
I don't think it works on me. Though I keep doing it three times a day, I have no change so far. Is it because I drink a can of beer or a glass of wine every night?
Me too.
I'm glad that I can learn more phrase than I study only by myself.
You've been trying shadowing for few days,
then, finally you caught the phrases.
It must be memorable!
And, are you busy recently?
Take care, please.
Because many gogakuru friends teach me many phrases.
"Dream on" I didn't know that.
By the way,does "ロングブレス" exercise worked on you?
I droped out at 4days.....
It's the feelig that the synapses are ssuddeny connected.
We are piling up new knoweldge in our mind every day and then they are suddenly come up.
So we shouldn't give up learning even if we can't see any dramatical improvement in our English ability.
Let's keep at it!
How are you feeling.
I sympathize your experiences.
In the same way I suddenly solve the phrases I didn't understand until now.
It's wonder.
The reason is incomprehensible for me.