Hurra! Morgen habe ich keine Arbeit. Ich will zwei Tagen ruhig verbringen.
Ça y est! Je demain et après-demain, je ne travaille pas. Je veux me chouchouter.
TGIF! Our boss decided to make it off tomorrow for some reasons. It means I'm off two days. Actually, I wanted to go somewhere in nature, but my sickness made me give it up. I'll stay home and spend relaxing days-off. Come to think of it, I've made my days too hectic. It's a good chance to shake off the piled-up fatigue.
Thank you for your heart-warming comments. I went to see an ENT this morning.
I hope the medicine will work soon.
I hope it will be fixed during the second consecutive day of vacation.
I hope you get better as soon as possible!
See you tomorrow at gogakuru oboeta nikki.