Es war ein schönes Wetter. Den ganzen Tag habe ich im Kleingarten gebracht. Endlich habe ich Tomaten, Auberginen und Paprika gepflantzt. Ich habe die Frösche quaken gehört. Das war ein idyllisher Tag. Ich habe sehr gerne Kontakt mit der Erde und mit guter Luft.
Il a fait beau aujourd'hui. J'ai passé toute la journée au potager. J'ai enfin planté des légumes d'été. J'ai entendu les grenouilles coasser. J'ai passé un bon moment.
I spent a whole day in the veggie garden. I had made a bed for summer veggies beforehand, but I plowed the soil again and remade the bed. It took a lot of time and energy, but I felt happy when I touched the soil. I was doing the farming, hearing the frogs croak. What a peaceful and idylic moment! At last, I planted two eggplant, two green pepper and four mini-tomato seedlings. Some of my veggie friends came up to me, and we had a pleasant conversation. One of them shared me her freshly picked spinach. Another shared me her seedlings of her leafy lettuce. They are always kind to me. By the way, while I was removing weeds there, a gust of wind knocked my bicycle over and it hit me on my right calf. Oh, no! It hurts! I got a bruise on my calf. Now it's swollen. Anyway, it was a nice day.
Thank you for your comments.
ついにナスとピーマンとトマトを植えました。 土壌改良と敷き藁確保のために、秋に種を蒔いて育てた麦(ネグサレタイジ)を刈りとって周りに敷いた。 今年はビニールの黒マルチを使わずに、草マルチでやってみる。
夏がくれば思い出す♪♪♪ 準備万端。今年の夏もお野菜の収穫が楽しみですね。