

高校生からはじめる「現代英語」 Sunday, March 11
New Train Driver Assumes Post 新人の列車運転士が職務に就く
●assume one’s post 職務を引き受ける、就任する

 The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan have affected people in many different ways. For one young woman in Iwate Prefecture, the disaster was what gave her a sense on purpose in life.
●sense of purpose 目的意識、生きがい

 northeastern ~の北東部
 affect (直接的、決定的な)影響する、影響を及ぼす
1. 2011年の日本の北東部での地震と津波は
→ The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan
2. 人々に影響を及ぼしました
→ have affected people
3. さまざまな形で
→ in many different ways.
The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan have affected people in many different ways.
New England consists of six states in northeastern United States.

 sense of purpose 目的意識、生きがい
1. 岩手県のある若い女性にとっては
→ For one young woman in Iwate Prefecture,
2. その災害は彼女に与えたものでした
→ the disaster was what gave her
3. 人生における目的意識を
→ a sense of purpose in life.
For one young woman in Iwate Prefecture, the disaster was what gave her a sense of purpose in life.
I never had a sense of purpose in my life until I started doing volunteer work.

 Seika Utsunomiya was in her first year of senior high school in the city of Miyako when the disaster struck. The tsunami washed away a large part of the Sanriku Railway line that runs along the coast. Witnessing the destruction, she set her mind on becoming a train driver.
●struck (災害、嵐などが)襲う ●wash away 洗い流す、流失
●a large part 一つの大きな部分 ×大部分ではない
●witness 目撃する

 first year of senior high school 高校1年生
1. 宇都宮聖花さんは宮古市の高校1年生でした、
→ Seika Utsunomiya was in her first year of senior high school in the city of Miyako
2. その災害が襲ったときは。
→ when the disaster struck.
Seika Utsunomiya was in her first year of senior high school in the city o Miyako when the disaster struck.

 a large part 1つの大きな部分(大部分ではない)
The tsunami washed away a large part of the Sanriku Railway line that runs along the coast.

 Set one’s mind on … ~しようと心に決める
1. その破壊を目のあたりにして、
→ Witnessing the destruction,
2. 彼女は列車の運転手になることを心に決めたのです。
→ she set her mind on becoming a train driver.

 Utsunomiya, now 23, drove her first train on Saturday. “My passengers entrust their lives to me. I’m feeling that strongly today,” she told reporters. “I feel a deep sense of responsibility,”
●entrust (他人を信頼してtrust 何かを)預ける、委ねる
●a deep sense of responsibility 深い責任感

 The rail line was fully restored in 2014, becoming a key symbol of recovery in the area. Utsunomiya joined the railway company in April last year.
●restore 元の状態に戻す、復旧させる ●recovery 回復、復興

 As the local media repeatedly covered the young trainee’s aspiration, she become a symbol of rebirth as well. She is only the second female driver at the company.
●repeatedly 繰り返して ●cover 報道する、取材する
●trainee 訓練生、研修生 ●aspiration 強い願望、熱望すること
●rebirth 再生

 female 女性の
1. 彼女は、まだ2人目の女性運転手です
→ She is only the second female driver
2. その会社で
→ at the company
She is only the second female driver at the company.
Kabuki actors who play female roles are called “onnagata.”

For many people, caring for a pet helps improve the quality and even the length of their own life by giving them a sense of purpose and an outlet for their nurturing, loving feelings.

Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.
●poverty 貧乏、清貧 ●vulgarity 下品


pretty naoko さん
2018年3月11日 14時46分
The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan have affected people in many different ways.


2018年3月11日 13時41分




