

Don't underestimate the power of a smile Saturday, March 24
●underestimate 過小評価する 

There has been a lot of news recently about North Korea after its leader Kim Jong Un apparently retreated from his antagonistic approach and began working on plans to meet with the presidents of South Korea and the United States. The change is all the more considerable as the North has also promised to put its nuclear and missile tests on hold.
●apparently 見たところでは ●retreat from ~から退く 
●antagonistic 反対の ●work on 取り組む

Meanwhile, there are those warning against being deceived by the friendly change in diplomacy. A photo of Kim's bright smile while welcoming the special envoy from South Korea was released to the public. I'm told that this manner of meeting officials from another country with a kind and gentle expression and attitude is usually referred to as "smile diplomacy."
●meanwhile 一方 ●warning 警告 ●be deceived だまされる
●diplomacy 外交 ●special envoy 特使
●refer to as補語 (~を)(~と)呼ぶ、言う

I thought, "Isn't smile diplomacy a good thing?" But it seems that this phrase is often used negatively. For example, it can mean keeping a friendly demeanor in order to force the other party to let their guard down, and making a deal which benefits only your own country in the end, or taking advantage of the other party before they realize what's happening. These kinds of underhanded tactics are said to often be hidden under the guise of "smile diplomacy."
●demeanor 物腰、態度 ●underhand 内密に ●tactics 策略
●guise 見せかけ

It's true that in our daily lives, we often force a smile. That smile is not out of happiness rooted in the heart or joy, but rather a tool being used in pursuit of a certain goal. Sometimes we smile brightly so the person we are dealing with thinks that we are a good person before we deliver the punch line: "Well, actually I have a favor to ask you..."
●in pursuit of … ~を追求している

Of course, we have to be cautious of the kind of fake smile and smile diplomacy that tries to trick or use someone for malicious reasons. It would be no good if we let our guards down at the sight of a seemingly harmless smile, and end up in a terrible situation in the middle of a war or with all of our possessions missing before we even realize what happened.
●cautious of … ~に注意して ●malicious 悪意のある
●seemingly うわべは ●harmless 無害な
●end up in … 最後には~になる ●possessions 財産 ●missing 失う

But that doesn't mean that we should go about our business with a stern expression. If we always go into an interaction putting up a front like we are in a fierce competition with the other person that we can't afford to lose, then naturally our relationships will sour. Even in times of serious negotiations, it's good to build some common ground by going out to a cafe or for a meal, relaxing a little bit and smiling while talking about each other's hometowns, favorite music or other topics. There is no need to hold on to the mentality, "If I smile, I lose."
●go about our business 自分のことをしっかりとする

In my consultation room as well, the more serious the discussion of a patient's medical condition, the more I try to engage in light conversation once our session is over, commenting on the recent weather with a smile on my face. Precisely because the patient is going through difficult or troublesome times, a simple smile can do so much to put them at ease.

So what will happen with smile diplomacy spreading across East Asia? I will continue watching with 70 percent hope and 30 percent concern, all the while trying to do more to value the power of a smile in both my daily life and in the consultation room. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
さて、私たちが住む東アジアを舞台に繰り広げられつつある「ほほ笑み外交」、これからどうなるのだろう。期待7割、心配3割で見守りながら、私も生活や診察で「ほほ笑み」を大切にしたいと思うのだ。(香山リカ 精神科医)

パリからの負傷兵が次々と運ばれてくるHôtel Normandyのエントランス。横たわる負傷兵たちの介護をする女性たち。包帯と鋏とを手に、甲斐甲斐しく働くのは、銃声の轟くパリを逃れて来たブルジョワ階級の女性たちだった。消毒液の匂いの中、ナースらに混じって働いていた。 伝説のダンサー、イサドラダンカンが滞在していて、看護婦をしました。


2018年3月24日 23時41分
pretty naoko さん
2018年3月24日 10時58分
2018年3月24日 7時20分




