■ビジネス英語 19 戦略の方向性をすり合わせる
E:So, I still can't see how we can suddenly become young and trendy when our image is centered around the traditional wines of Bordeaux and Burgundy - we've always been the go-to wine merchant for vintages from prestige vineyards.
R:Emily, we're not trying to change our entire corporate identity.
E:Ron, you know as well as I do if we dilute the brand, we can compromise our own advantage.
D:Isn't it possible to strengthen our line up of everyday wines without ruining our prestige and history?
If anything, it makes sense that a long-standing wine merchant would support new wineries and investment in research regarding sustainable methods of winemaking.
E:Hmmm. Lisa, since you're the only native Japanese in the room, I have a question. What beverages are people here in their early 30s interested in?
L:Beer, sake, shochu, gin...why?
E:I have some ideas. But let 's take a break first!
be centered around ~を中心としている ~に集中している
go-to お気に入りの 頼りになる 定番の 本文では、「お決まりの」
merchant 業者 商人
vintage 年代物の良いワイン
corporate identity 企業理念
dilute 稀薄化させる 薄める
compromise 妥協する 譲歩する 危うくする
ruin 破壊する 壊す
everyday wine 普段飲むワイン
if anything どちらかと言えば、むしろ、それどころか
make sense 理にかなっている
take a break 休憩する
〇make sense 理にかなっている、意味をなす。
It makes sense that a long-standing wine merchant would support new wineries.
It makes a lot of sense to live closer to the office.
A: I think it makes sense to invest in gold for now.
1 reasonable(道理にかなった 妥当な)
Changing the supplier sounds perfectly reasonable.
2 sensible(分別のある 賢明な)
I don't think it's a sensible decision to look for another supplier.
★ I'm not saying ~ ~と言っているわけではありません。
A:I still can't understand why we should withdraw from the country.
Once we leave, the people will remember, and that would create future problems.
B:I understand your concern but I'm not saying we should leave the country forever.
We could suspend our operation, say, for a year, to assesses our true exposure to the political risk.(実際にどの程度政治的リスクにさらされているのかを評価するために、例えば1年間、事業を中断することもできるでしょう)
A:I still can't see the logic behind raising our price tag. If we did that, our loyal customers would definitly look for cheaper options.
B: I hear what you say. We're not saying we should raise the price across the board.(一律に値上げをすべきと言っているのではありません)
We should carefully choose products that our customers are willing to pay for.
■ラジオ英会話18 初対面のあいさつ2
〇My name's David. It's a pleasure to meet you in person.
①Hello, I'm Gary from the Hotel New Onishi. It's a pleasure to meet you.
-The pleasure is mine.(こちらこそ)/ Likewise.(どうように)
②Hello, I'm Takeshi from Osaka branch. It's a pleasure to meet you. How do you like my presentation?
③Hello, I'm Heather. How do you do?
- How do you do?(How do you do?と言われたら、このように返答する)
①こんにちは。 札幌オフィスのサリーです。お目にかかれて嬉しいです。フライトはいかがでしたか?
1 Hello, I'm Sally from the Sapporo office. It's a pleasure to meet you. How was your flight over?
2 Hi, My name is Makoto. It's a pleasure to meet you. How are you enjoying our local festival so far?
■入門イタリア語 Lezione15 動詞avere(~を持っている)
〇Abbiamo un problema.(私達には問題が一つある)
io ho/ tu hai/ lui.lei ha / noi abbiamo/ voi avete /loro hanno
1 Ho tre cappelli.(私は帽子を3つもっている)
2 Abbiamo due macchine.(私達は2台車を持っている)
avere fame(女性名詞:空腹) →お腹が空いている
avere sete (女性名詞:喉の渇き)→のどが渇いている
avere sonno(眠気) →眠い
avere fretta (急ぎ) →急いでいる
avere tempo(時間) →時間がある
1 Hai fame?
- Sì, ho fame./ No, non ho fame.(ノ ノノ ファーメ)
(お腹空いた? うん、空いてる/いいや、空いていない)
Me, neither!
It's so difficult for me to follow.