■入門イタリア語 Lezione16 動詞 fare
〇 Che cosa fai oggi? -Faccio una passeggiata.
(君は今日何をするの? 私は散歩をするよ)
〇動詞 fare (~をする)の活用
io faccio/ tu fai/ lui.lei fa / noi facciamo / voi fate/ loro fanno
Che cosa faccio oggi?(今日、私は何をしようかな?)
- Leggo un libro. (私は本を読もう)
Che cosa facciamo oggi?(今日私達は何をしようかしら?)
〇「fare + 名詞」の表現
Che cosa fai oggi?(君は今日何をするの?)
Faccio una passeggiata.(私は散歩をする)
fare la spesa (日用品の)買い物をする
fare spese ショッピングをする
fare le pulizie 掃除をする
fare la doccia シャワーを浴びる
fare il bagno お風呂に入る
fare il bucato 洗濯をする
fare colazione 朝ごはんを食べる
la spesa(目的がある買い物) spese(あれこれお金を使う事=ショッピング)
Allora, che cosa facciamo?
Facciamo una passeggiata!
Facciamo una passeggiata?
Prendiamo un caffè!(コーヒー飲もうよ)
Prendiamo un caffè?(コーヒーを飲まない?)
■ビジネス英語 21
D: To sum up our discussion, the pandemic has hit smaller wineries the hardest. We need to sell more to support them and get them into a good rhythm. We've also established that our appeal as a wine merchant is not resonating with those below the age of 45, and that hotels and restaurants are looking to our competitors to supply them with interesting, everyday wines.
E:Thank you. Listening to all of your input - and Lisa's more objective viewpoint - I have some ideas.
R:I'm all ears.
E:So, if we can work with more up-and-coming wineries, perhaps from different countries, we can offer variety. Adding to this, if we can create some stylish spirits or even sell sake under a private WCS brand, we can engage a younger audience.
L:That's a great idea. We can get more people familiar with the WCS brand.
to sum up 話をまとめると 要約すると
get ~into a good rhythm ~を良いリズムに乗せる ~を軌道に乗せる
resonate with ~の心に響く、~の共感を呼ぶ
objective 客観的な
be all years 熱心に聞く 一心に耳を傾ける
up-and-coming 新進の
stylish spirits スタイリッシュな蒸留酒
private brand 自社ブランド
engage 取り込む
familiar with ~を知っている
〇to sum up(これまでの話をまとめると)
To sum up our discussion, the pandemic has hit smaller wineries the hardest.
To sum up our opinion, it's premature to expand into Africa.
*mature 成熟した/ premature まだ期が熟していない
ヒント:のぞましい desirable
A:To sum up, it's desirable to increase our production capacity.
①wrap up まとめる
So, let's wrap up the main points of our discussion.
*the main points 要点
②run over ふりかえる
Let me just run over our discussion so far.
Let sum up the discussion so far. We all agree that operations need to be streamlined to make it more efficient. However, opinions are still divided on which areas to focus on. That's the only sticking point for now.
*sticking point引っかかる点・厄介な点
So far, we've reached consensus on content of the online advertising about the new product. For the launch campaign, we prefer an electronics retailer in Shinjuku. Let's vote on which one.
■英会話タイムトライアル 20230512
ドロットニングホルム宮殿(Drottningholm Palace)へ船で出かけます。その船の乗務員のヤンニさんと天候の話をしましょう。
A:Hello. Are you going to the palace or only going on the boat ride?
B:I'm going to the palace.
A:Welcome to the 〇〇 Crouse Line. Ah, beautiful weather today, isn't it?
B:Yeah, the air is so crisp in Sweden.
A:And you arrived and stopped raining, 「? 」Hahaha... thanks.
B:Sure. Maybe I brought out the sunshine.
A:Have you ever been the palace?
B:No, I haven't. I've only see picture of the palace, never seen it in person.
A:Are you visiting in Sweden or do you live here?
B:I'm visiting Sweden. I'm from Japan.
A:Oh, Japan. How's the weather in Japan now?
B:It's depends on area. In my hometown, the low temperature, it's about 10 degrees. So, it's a little chilly in May.
A:I see. Well, we are off to the palace. Have a seat.
B:OK. Thanks.
世界遺産ドロットニングホルム宮殿はメーラレン湖(Lake Mälaren)のローヴェン島にあります。宮殿に行くには、地下鉄とバスの乗り継ぎと、水上ボートで行く方法があるようです。現在、王家の住まいを除く一部が公開されています。
I checked a website.
It was a wedding gift.
I can't imagine. How amazing!