

■ビジネス英語 24
Subject: Interviews about organic/natural wines
Hi Ron

I finished the interviews as planned.
Most restaurants stock organic and natural wines. Apparentlly, their regular customers are health-consicious and have a high awareness of SDGs.

As expected, themajority of these wines are from the New World. But surprisingly, they also stock wines from Bordeaux and Burgundy, where WCS is supposed to be strong.

The interview records are saved in shared folder under “Interviews-natural wines,” so please have alook when you have time.


Hi Lisa

Thank you for your prompt action. As ever, you work very quickly.

I've read through all the interview records. This is more of a shock than I thought it would be. I need to get Emily to change her mindset, as she's looking forward to selling French Wines to Japanese restaurants.

Do you have any statistics to support ethical consumption?


*ethical consumption  エシカル消費

Hi Ron

I've put together some data as per the attached slides.
I think the data by age group has the greatest impact on the strategy.
The graph on page 3 clearly shows that the younger generation has a strong interest in ethical consumption. In the long term, I believe that the today's 20-and 30-somethings are the future of WCS.
Hope it helps. Please let me know if you need any additional material.
as per ・・・により 本文では「添付スライドにより」
20-and 30-somethings 年齢が20,30代の人

■現代英語 South Korean cosmetics find market in Japan

The global dominance of K-Pop is increasing interest in another export from South Korea, that's cosmetics.
And retailers in Japan are further developing this fast-growing segment. 
Variety store chain Lofts is giving more shelf space to South Korean facial masks, foundation, and mascara. (略)
The management says sales in the category rose 46 percent from the previous year.(略)
A trade group says Japan's imports of cosmetics from South Korea in 2021 came to 62 billion yen, or about 464 million dollars.
That is nearly at the level of France, which has been a top exporter to Japan for three decades.

dominance 支配 優勢、市場において支配→市場を席巻している
fast-growing segment 急成長する部門
facial mask 顔をパックするマスク。face maskと区別。
A trade group ある業界団体

fast-growing segment 難しい表現と感じますが、実は言い換え表現があります。
(前文)cosmetics、(後の文)facial masks, foundation, and mascara

A: So, Tom. Today's news story is about the popularity of Korean cosmetics. Some of my students like to use them and sometimes recommend that I use new products to make myself look younger and prettier. I feel that many students are more interested in Korean culture these days. Do you feel the same way?

T:Oh, no doubt.
I always ask my students about their interests on the first day of class, and a good number of them say that they are into all things Korean including cosmetics.

A:I see.
I have several Korean student in my classes and our Japanese students are getting along with them. I'm happy to see that.

T:And I'm happy to hear that.
Just out of curiosity, do they converse in Japanese, Korean, English? Or maybe a mix?

A:Well, they speak in either Japanese or English. As you know, Korea and Japan has complicated history. However, when I see our Korean and Japanese students communicating with each other in a very friendly manner, I am convinced that our future is going to be brighter that the past. What do you think?

T:Well, the key to building a brighter future for any international relationship is people understanding each other's culture - and the fastest way to understand another culture is to get to know someone from it as a person. Those firsthand experiences are powerful in shaping perceptions.

[Torta rustica con le zucchine](ズッキーニの田舎風タルト)

Badare al proprio orticello!

▼badare a ~/di~   ~に専念する ~に注意する

Adesso badate solo a divertirvi.
Quando si tratta di mangiare bene, loro non badano a spese.
Bada di non bruciare la cipolla.

Ingredienti per uno stampo da 23cm 材料(直径23cmの型1台分)

★Per la pasta brisé タルト生地用材料
・200g di farina 00   小麦粉00タイプ 200g
・100g di burro     バター 100g
・50ml di acqua      水 50ml
・sale          塩

★Pel il ripieno   詰め具用材料
・3 zucchine      ズッキーニ3本
・4 uova        卵4個
・1/2 cipolla      たまねぎ 1/2個
・60g di scamorza(a piacimento)スカルモルツァチーズ(お好みで)60g
・70g di parmigiano reggiano パルミジャーノ・レッジャーノ70g
・50g di pancetta   パンチェッタ 50g
・olio extravergine di oliva エクストラバージンオリーブオイル
・sale e pepe      塩・こしょう

ズッキーニの花(fiori di zucca) のフリットは有名でとても美味しいそうです。

ぴのみ さん
2023年5月19日 12時54分
pretty naoko さん

2023年5月19日 8時36分





