

■入門イタリア語 Lezione17 動詞 essereの活用

〇Sono giapponese.(私は日本人です)

io sono/ tu sei/ lui・lei è/ noi siamo/ voi siete/ loro sono

Sono di Okinawa. 私は沖縄出身です。
Di dove sei?   君はどこの出身ですか?

〇~にいる/あるの essere
Dov'è l'albergo Roma?(ホテルローマはどこですか)
Dove sei? - Sono a casa.(君はどこにいるの?- 家にいるよ。)

Dov'è Marco? - È a casa.
(マルコはどこにいるの? 家にいるよ)

■ビジネス英語 22
E: The thing is how we can groom our target customer from a younger age. Say, you are a successful, young professional in your 20s. Drinking in some high-end bar, you encounter some unusual gin, whiskey, or tequila produced by WCS. You then visit our website, where you'll see a well-presented variety of quirky, everyday wines from interesting countries. You spend your 30s drinking natural wine, everyday New World wines, before moving up the ladder into the Californian, and then into more prestigious French wines in your 40s and 50s. Does that sound realistic?


L: I think so too. However, since WCS is a British company, I think sticking to whiskey and gin would be more suited to the brand than blanching out to tequila or sake.

D:We actually have informal relationships gin and whisky distilleries in Scotland, so we could discuss possible partnerships with them.

E:It's good to know we have options.

the thing is    問題は~だ/重要なのは~だ
gloom        育てる/教育する
encounter     (偶然)出会う
tequila       テキーラ
quirky       風変わりな *良い意味で変わっているというニュアンス
New World      ワインの世界では、ヨーロッパ以外のワインのこと
move up the ladder ステップアップする
branch out     手を広げる 進出する
distillery     蒸留所 蒸留酒製造所

〇the thing is    問題は~だ/重要なのは~だ
The thing is how we can groom our target customer from a younger age.
The thing is how we will remove this barrier to make it happen.
 *make it happen 実現させる

A:The thing is how we should convince our shareholders.

①It all comes down to~  要するに~だ
It all comes down to our company's ability to raise funds.
②The bottom line is ~   肝心なのは~だ、要は~だ
The bottom line is we provide the same environment for telework as in the office.

I strongly believe that showrooming is the key to our medium-to long-term strategy.
While online shopping has become firmly established, we shouldn't overlook that the need for physical confirmation of products in-store remain strong, even among younger generation.
I think we need to adapt to a changing consumer dynamic and put together a strategy that meets a new type of shopping expectations - check products in-store, make the actual purchase on an e-commerce site, and have them delivered free.

showrooming    店舗でチェックした商品をそこで買わずECサイトで買う事
medium-to long-term  中長期的
overlook       見逃す
physical confirmation 実際に確認する事
in-sore        店頭で
put together     組み立てる

■ 現代英語 Yoon addresses U.S. Congress 尹大統領がアメリカ議会で演説

The president of South Korea has thanked American for their defense of freedom. Yoon Suk-Yeol took the opportunity during a visit to the U.S. to address a joint session of Congress. He reminded lawmakers of the need to work together to safeguard peace.
Yoon reflected on the 70th anniversary of the alliance. He thanked American veterans of the Korean War. And he said, once again, people in both countries need to protect democracy with their blood and sweat.

"Our alliance is stronger than ever, more prosperous together, and more connected like no other. Indeed it has been the linchpin safeguarding our freedom, peace, and prosperity."
Yoon says provocations from the North pose a serious threat. But now, South Koreans will have greater voice in the use of U.S. nuclear weapons in any conflict on the peninsula.

remind    A of B AにBを思い出させる (本文では)強調する
safeguard  ~を守る
reflect   振り返る
veteran   退役軍人、兵役経験者
prosperous  繫栄
linchpin   要
provocation 挑発
pose    (問題や危機などを)もたらす
in any conflict on the peninsula その半島でのいかなる紛争においても




クロ さん

It's the first time for me to hear the president of South Korea's speech.
He speaks English fluently. Thank you for useful tips.
2023年5月16日 14時50分
pretty naoko さん
2023年5月16日 14時44分
ぴのみ さん
2023年5月16日 12時41分





