■入門イタリア語 Lezione18 イタリア語の敬語
〇Lei ha fame?(あなたはお腹が空いていますか)
日本語であれば敬語を使うような相手に対して、イタリア語ではtuの代わりにLeiを使います。 動詞の活用は3人称単数形にします。
tu:家族、友人/Lei 初対面の人など
Hai fame? (君はお腹が空いている?)
(Lei) Ha fame?(あなたはお腹が空いていますか?)
**Lei=大文字で。 lei(彼女)と区別します。
Prendi un caffè? (君はコーヒーを飲む?)
(Lei)Prendi un caffè?(あなたはコーヒーを飲まれますか?)
Di dove sei? (君はどこの出身なの)
Di dovè(Lei)? (あなたは)どちらのご出身ですか?
Avete fame?
仲良くなったら、Ci diamo del tu?(私たちは、tuで話しませんか?)と聞いてみるのも良い。
■ビジネス英語 23
E:So, gins and whiskey...We have to think of some branding when we get back to London.
D:If we keep our spirits in the luxury tier, and supply them to only the best bars in town, we can elevate the WCS brand into something desirable without seeming too conservative.
E:You're right. We should aim for a different category of whiskey from the private brands sold in supermarkets. So where are the best bars in Tokyo ?
L:We can ask tomorrow, since we're visiting the Manhattan Bar at the Terence Hotel.
E:Good. also, Lisa, from a native -Japanese perspective. Imagine you're not yet a wine aficionado but interested. What wines would catch your attention?
L:Hmmm...for those who don't know grape varieties and such, maybe wines from interesting countries- for example, an organic wine from Croatia or Greece?
E:Somewhere exotic, so to speak.
branding ブランド戦略
tier ランク レベル luxury tier 高級なレベル高級品 top/second tier
elevate 引き上げる
aficionado 愛好家 *wine loverよりもワインについて詳しい
catch one's attention ~の興味をひく
so to speak いわば、すなわち
〇catch one's attention ~の興味をひく、目に留まる
What wines would catch your attention?
There must be a better way of catching the consumer's attention.
A:Let's consider how we catch reader's attention.
①draw (get/ grab)one's attention ~気をひく
My daughter tries to draw my attention when I'm teleworking.
②attract ひきつける
This event helped attract potential customers.
A:If you had your life to live over again, would you choose the same job?
B:Hmm, that's a difficult question. I feel that my current investor sales job is my calling, but I'd like to be on the other side- that is investing money as a fund manager.
*live over again 人生を再び生きる
my calling 使命 神の思し召し 天職
A:Imagine you're given a ticket to watch a sporting event. Which sport would you choose and why?
B:Definitely football. I would choose a Champion League match. I want to enjoy games at the highest level, feel the atmosphere in the stadium, and cheer for my favorite team with my fellow fans.
■ラジオ英会話21 話がある
①I know you're about to hang the laundry.
*be about to toに行くabout(あたりに)いる=~するところである
*hang the laundry 洗濯ものを干す
②Sure, it can wait. What's up?
*it can wait 後回しにして構わない
③He has a job opportunity for me in LA.
④We just bought this new apartment in Tokyo, right?
*just ぴったり。 この場合時間(タイミング)がぴったり。
〇Takuma, do you have a minute?
Do you have a moment/ a minute/a second ?
Have you got a moment/ a minute/ a second?
Do you have a quick second?
You got a minute?
Got a minute?
Do you have a time to talk?
Do you have a time to spare?(お時間はありますか?)
Can I have a word with you?(ちょっといいでしょうか)
May I have a word with you?
*have a word 短い話をする
Can I borrow you for a second?(ちょっといいでしょうか)
Can I steal you for a second?
*borrow 借りる/steal 盗む くだけた表現です。
Are you hands full?(手一杯ですか?)
Are you like super busy right now?(今、チョー忙しい感じ?)
②やあ、ジェシカ。 調子はどうですか。ところで今話す時間がありますか?
1 Hey, Ken. Do you have a moment?
2 Hi, Jessica. How's it going? By the way, do you have a time to talk now?
3 Sorry to interrupt, but can I have a word with you after you finish up this meeting?
So many ducks!
I wanted to see such a flock of wild ducks.
Your diary reminds me of famous saying "Kamonegi ."