[Torta rustica con le zucchine](ズッキーニの田舎風タルト)
Cominciamo con la pasta brisé.
In una ciotola capiente mettiamo la farina, il burro tagliato a pezzeti, un pizzico di sale e mescoliamo gli ingredienti.
Aggiungiamo un po’d'acqua e continuiamo lavorare fino ad ottnere una palla liscia ed omogenea.
La avvolgiamo nella pellicola trasparente e la lasciamo riposare in frigoorifero.
Nel frattempo facciamo rosolare con un filo d'olio la cipolla tritata finermente insieme alla pancetta tagliata a dadni.
Uniamo le zucchine tagliate a rondelle sottili, aggiustiamo di sale e pepe e lasciamo cuocere per una decina di minuti.
Riprendiamo la pasta e la stensiamo formando una sfoglia rotonda.
Trasferiamo la sfoglia in uno stampo imburrato e infarinato e versiamo le zucchine.
Ricopriamo con le uova sbattute insieme al parmigiano e la scamorza tagliata a dadini e inforniamo a 200 gradi in forno preriscaldato per circa 30 minuti.
Sformiamo la torta di zucchine e la serviamo accompagnando con un buon vino rosso.
①pasta brisé タルト生地
pizzico di ~ ひとつまみの~
③ottenere ~を得る
@alla ボール
iscia ed omogenea 滑らかで均一
④ avvolgere ~に包む
pellicola trasparente 透明フィルム
lasciamo riposare (私達は)休ませておく
⑤filo 少量の
tagliata a dadni さいころ状に切る
⑥uniamo<unire(団結する むずびつける 一つにする)
tagliare a rondelle 輪切りにする
sottili<sottile 薄く
⑦stensiamo<stensere 伸ばす 広げる
sfoglia 麺棒で伸ばした生地 パイ生地
rotonda (形)丸い
⑧stampo お菓子などをつくる型
sbattute<sbattere 溶くの過去分詞
preriscaldato 予熱しておいた
⑩sformare 型からとりだす
■ビジネス英語 Leonard Slatkin 5
<Listening point >
①What does Mr.Slatkin say is needed to change the situation?
②What should have been done in case of online concert?
They say that the majority of performing institutes feel a great pressure to find enough people to fill a venue. What do you think you should do to attract bigger audiences for classical concerts in the post-pandemic era?
This is one of the most important question of our time. But it's a question that has been building for years. I can think of any time in my life when people didn't say "When're the audiences going to get younger? When are the halls always going to be full?" It's always been difficult. But it's increasingly difficult over the last, say 40,45 years.
Part of it is because, in many countries, the education system in the arts has failed. The arts have taken second, third, fourth place.
So the first thing we have to change is to really speak about the arts seriously in school. So that's the first thing.
The second thing, actually, something the way the question was asked. Do we have to fill the hall? So, filling the hall almost implies that there is a financial end to this. You will do better if the hall is full because you've sold all the tickets. Well, selling the tickets doesn't really do, for the most part, much to make the financial picture better. A sold-out house maybe is 35% of the budget for the particular event. You have the costs of, say, the orchestra, the solist, the stagehands, all these things. It's a lot of money.
So maybe, we need to rethink how we look at the world, in my case, of classical music. And COVID, to me, became a missed opportunity for so many organizations. Here we were...we could not go to concerts live. We could watch them on the internet. But what were we seeing? Just concerts - the same thing you would see if you want to the hall, except it's with cameras instead. That was the mistake. We should have been using the internet to find different ways to present music to the public who are conversant with the technology. They should not just be recordings of the concerts.
imply (暗に)意味する ほのめかす
end 意図 目的
stagehand 裏方
missed opportunity 逃した
<Answer to listening point>
①He says it's necessary to speak about the arts seriously in school.
②The internet should have been used to find different ways to present music to the public.
① 受けの言葉
It's very disappointing that in many countries the education system surrounding the arts is not functioning.
What do you think needs to be done to prioritize the arts in education?