■ビジネス英語 27 EmilyとLisaはタクシー内でインタビューを振り返る
E: Ugh. Quite a day!
L:Is everything OK?
E: Oh, just a little tired. Are you good?
L:I'm fine. How did you feel talking to everyone today?
E: It was interesting- I think when you're facing collectors like I am, it's all about sales figures. How many bottles of which expensive wine did you sell this month...that kind of talk.
L:I see.
E: You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine. But all the prestigious brands we know today - they all had humble beginnings. I think today, I was reminded how people like Pascal want to support new, upcoming wineries and protect the wine industry in the long run.
L: Yes, he is very passionate about supporting startups. I think it's because he also struggled starting up the restaurant.
E: Also, he was very polite, but clearly, he wants more variety in our natural wine lineup!
quite a day なかなかの1日 すごい一日 大変な一日
brush over 問題などを軽視する 軽く扱う
grassroots 草の根の 大衆の grassroots movement 草の根運動・市民運動
humble 慎ましい 地味な 謙虚な
struggle 苦労する 過大な困難に取り組む
〇be passionate about ~に熱心な
He is very passionate about supporting startups.
Sophie is a passionate believer in quality education.
A:Paul gave a passionate speech on promoting art.
①enthusiastic 熱中している (名) enthusiasm
The research team members are enthusiastic about the space project.
②energetic 精力的な
We need to be more energetic in customer acquisition.
*customer acquisition 顧客開拓 顧客獲得
A:Phew, that was a tough negotiation. We knew they wouldn't accept our proposals straight away, but they really played hardball right from biginning.
B:Indeed. They tried to throw us off balance. But because of Bob's aggressive stance, their intention became clear, and we were able to rethink our strategy.
*throw … off balance ~のバランスを崩す ~を不安定にする ~を動揺させる
*play hardball 強気で攻める 手加減しない
A:Ugh, it's been a long day. I'm exhausted. I didn't feel jet-lagged during the day, but somehow, I suddenly feel sleepy.
B:That's understandable. Day and night are completely opposite in Japan and the US. I recommend taking a bath before going to bed. It improves blood circulation and helps you sleep better.
Guess what?(何だと思う? 聞いてよ。びくりだよ。)
Hey Ken, you'll never guess what happened?
Hey, Ken, you'll never guess what I heard?
Hey, Ken, you'll never guess who I met?
I have some surprising news from my Aunt Aki.
I'm so excited to tell you good news.
OK, so I got some good news.
Can you believe it?
Believe or not...
You never believe this but...
Check this out. I pass the exam.
Get this. I pass the exam.
*check out :~に注目する
1 Hey, Christine, guess what? A new Thai restaurant opened (up) near my house.
2 Can you believe it? I won the lottery. You must promise to keep it to yourself OK?
■現代英語 Charles crowned as King チャールズ3世が国王として戴冠
Now to the United Kingdom, where the coronation of King Charles Ⅲ was held at Westminster Abbey.
He succeeded his mother, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, when she died last September.
The Archbishop of Canterbury placed the historic St. Edward's Crown on the monarch's head during the coronation ceremony on Saturday.
“God save the King”
King Charles swore that as heat of state he will rule the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries according to the laws.(略)
But the more than 1,000-year-old ceremony took place amid skepticism, particularly among the young, about the role and relevance of the monarchy.
coronation 戴冠式
Westminster Abbey ウエストミンスター寺院で
The Archbishop of Canterbury カンタベリー大司教。
St. Edward's Crown 聖エドワードの王冠
the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries
1,000-year-old 1000年もの
★skepticism 懐疑的な見方
the role and relevance of 役割と妥当性
1 母音が省略されることにより音が詰まって聞こえる
2 曖昧母音が多用される
■入門イタリア語 Lezione21 形容詞③ questo(この)/quello(あの)
〇Quanto costa questo maglione?
*maglione 男性名詞 セーター
*costa< costare(お金がかかる)の3人称単数
〇questo( この)の変化
questo/questi/questa/ queste
Quanto costa/ costano...? …はいくらですか?
questo maglione このセーター
questi sandali このサンダル
questa camicia このシャツ
queste scarpe この靴
Quanto costa questo maglione/questa camicia?
Quanto costano questi sandali/queste scarpe?
〇 quello(あの)の変化 男性形には注意。
quel/ quei/quella/quelle
Quel maglione è bello! あのセーターはすてきだ。
Quei sandali sono belli! あのサンダルはすてきだ
Quella camicia è bella! あのシャツはすてきだ
Quelle scarpe sono belle! あの靴はすてきだ
Questo panino, per favore. このパニーノをください。
Compriamo quel pesce? あの魚を買おうか?