■ビジネス英語 Leonard Slatkin 7
<Listening point >
1What is the first things to do when you are keen to explore classical music?
2What advice does Mr. Slatkin give to people who are intimidated by so-called classical music?
Finally, could you say a few words to our listeners who are keen to explore classical music?
Leonard Slatkin:
First thing I would say is get rid of the word classical. Throw that out. Just let's explore the world of music.
We find now that orchestras for example, symphony orchestras, are playing more music from different styles, different genres, films, collaborations with jazz and popular people, work with visual artists, things like that. Much more flexible as performers.
Now I know we like to attach labels to everything. We always do. But the word classical has almost negative connotation for so many people. They see that as dead, white, male, European musicians. That's what classical means to them.
But it's all changing. Now we're in this transition time. We're seeing many more artists who are female. We are seeing more people of different back grounds, different ethnic back grounds as well. different orientations, gender, whatever it happens to be. But it's too soon to what the impact is going to be. It's just starting now.
So, for people who perhaps feel intimidated by the so-called classical music, don't be. Just take time, even it's five minutes of your day. And listen to something. Turn on your radio, go on the internet, do whatever. Find something. There is an expression we all have. “You have to know the rules before you can break them.” And for us, you have to have heard the music before you can say
whether you like or not. So keep open mind, don't be afraid to experience something different, and you might be surprised how you respond.
That's very encouranging for our listeners.
Well, Leonard Slatkin, thank you for joining me on this program. We look forward to your continued success as a conductor, composer, writer, and educator. Thank you very much.
get rid of ~を捨てる 取り除く
connotation 意味合い
orientation 指向
intimidated 怖気づいた
There is an expression we all have. こういう表現がありますね
“You have to know the rules before you can break them.”
Answers to listening points
1 It is get rid of the word classical and just explore the world of music.
2 His advice is just to take time, even it's five minutes of your day. and listen to something.
→It's good to see the classical music industry becoming more open and diversified.
What impact do you think diversification of human resources will have on the way classical music is enjoyed?
■現代英語 Kishida Yoon wrap up talks in Seoul
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol have wrapped up their summit in Seoul. The two leaders reconfirmed their plans to maintain close communication to boost security cooperation and further improve relations.
“The people of our two countries are deepening their understanding of each other. Exchanges of young people are very important in order to build trust and friendship.”
“I believe it is my duty of the prime minister of the Japan to carry on the efforts made by predecessors who overcame difficult times and cooperation with President Yoon and South Korea towards the future.”
Kishida also referred to the South Korean government's plan to settle a wartime labor issue.
The Japanese prime minister said he feels heartbroken that many Korean people experienced suffering and sadness under the harsh environment at that time.
reconfirm 改めて確認する 再確認する
security cooperation 安全保障協力
predecessors 単数形では前任者 複数形で本文では先人たち
settle 解決する
1 一つ一つの音をはっきり発音してみる。
2 イントネーションをはっきりつける。
Parmigiana di melanzane(ナスのパルミジャーナ)
Sei bianco come una mozzarella!
①diventare verde dalla rabbia(怒りで緑色になる)
②rosso come un peperone(パプリカのように真っ赤)
Quando viene preso in giro, Carlo diventa verde dalla rabbia.
*prendere in giro 成句からかう
Che c'è, ti vergogni? Sei rossa come un peperone!
〇ingredienti per una tegloa da 20cm×20cm
3 melanzane grandi ナス大3本
2 spicchi d'aglio にんにく2かけ
500ml di passata di pomodoro トマトピューレ500ml
200g di mozzarella di bufala 水牛のモッツアレッラ200g
100g di parmigiano reggiano パルミジャーノ・レッジャーノ
80g di farina 00 小麦粉00タイプ 80g
3 uova 卵 3個
qualche foglia di basilico バジルの葉(ソース用と衣用)
(per la salsa e per la pastella)
1 litro di olio extravergine di oliva
sale e pepe 塩・こしょう