(1) 彼の生まれた町には綺麗な川があった
there was a beautiful river in the town where he was bone.
** there is~の文系に関係副詞がミックス
in the town where~
(2) 明日雨だったらピクニックは中止です
If it rains tomorrow, the picnic will be called off
** if の条件節と受け身のコンビネ-ション.
If he doesn't come to the party, I will be bored
The girl said that although her mother didn't like animals very much, she wanted a dog or cat.
** 従属節を導く接続し although と that の組み合わせ
She said that although her friends didn't like him very much, she liked him really.
His mother told him to brush his teeth before he went to bed.
** 接続詞 before を使う従属節と、SVO+不定詞.
What shall we do after we have dinner?
-Let's go to see a movie.
** 勧誘の shall と 接続詞 after が導く従属節
Where shall we go after we finish work?
-Let's go dancing.
There is の文系に 関係代名詞
If の条件節と受け身のコンビネ-ション
従属節を導く接続し although と that のくみあわせ
接続詞 before を使う従属節と SVO+不定詞
勧誘の shall と接続詞 after が導く従属節