すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× The widening gap between rich and poor is a disturbing trend.
The widning the generation gap between elderly and young people is
only natural trend.
× We have a new account in East Africa, so we need to hire someone who speaks Swahili.
I have a new friend in South Korea, so I need to someone who teach me Korean.
A recent survey showed 45 percent of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction.
A recent survey showed 65 percent of Japanese bilieve that we
don't need nuclear power plant in Japan.
my diary
Lastnight was a ver cold, so I took a bath twice, first, before I went to bed and second in the midnight.
Recently, the way of our diary life is very confortable, so that we could live in peace and relieve.
But once, a big natural-disaster atacked us, we couldn't run away from it.
We need to prepare for the worst earthquake.
We have a lot of unwelcome eathquakes everyday somewhere in Japan.
Awaji,kobe eathquake happend on the 16th of January and East Kanto eathquake happened on the 11th of March.
Also Kanto eathquake happend on the 1st of September.
Nothing by a mysterious, whenever we are hit by a strong eathquak.
So, I have the provision of food and water againt a disaster.