すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Coffee was first imported into Japan in 1877.
○ Cafes first appeared in Japan in the late 19th century.
My diary
昨日の日記を休んだわけではない いつもと同じにしたのだけれど何故か空欄になってい
る きちんと確かめなかった自分が悪いのだが...
missはこんな風にして起きるものだ 又一つ勉強させられた 幾つになっても勉強する
種はたくさんある 此れからはきちんと確かめよう。
今日は大寒 その名のとうり本当に寒い 外の温度は日中でも5度しかないらしい
とにした 行くといっても5階から1階へ エレベ-タ-で降りて行くだけス-プのさめ
I didn't skip writing my diary yesterday. I did writing it as
usually, but there wasn't appeared my diary on the yesterday's
part . That was my fault, because I didn't check my diary to get
into there or not. I was studied, when it happenrd something I
make mistakes that I was careless about to do that.
Anyway, Today is the coldest season of the year. So It's very
cold. Watched to the 12 o'clock news on the TV, a weather caster
said the temprature only 5 degree around the outside now.
My second son invited me at the dinner tonight.
I'm pleased to have a dish with my family.
we are living in the same apartment in the different floor, I'm in
the five floor, and second son's family is the first floor
So we can be easy to go up and down each other just by taking the
elevator. I have profited to live here.
I'm looking forward to eating a hot cooked at the table tonight.
silver さんのカレンダーの空白に気づき、心配だったのですが...