すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ I'm just sitting here feeling sorry for myself.
feeling sorry to myself...自分をかわいそうに感じている (つまり いじけている)
○ Has life got you down?
落ち込む様な事でも有ったのですか? (気のおけない人に使う表現)
○ My heart sank when I heard Hamlet went missing!
go missing... 行方不明になる
○ I'm holding back the tears.
hold back...躊躇する、ためらう
don't hold back...どうか遠慮しないで(言って下さい)
hold back tears でなくて hold back the tears と the でこの涙と言う限定感を出します
(辛い時は)泣きなさいと言いたい時. Don't hold tears back. でいいのかしら?
My diary
近ごろつくづく思うのは こんなに沢山高層マンションを作って将来どうなるかしら?と言う事
少子化が急速に進み人口が減っていくときに建物だけが増え続けている 勿論建築業界ではそれが彼らの仕事だから仕方ないと言えばそれまでだが...?
I suppose, How would it doing to build a lot of a skyscraper in the city in the futurre, when a rapid declining birth rate of population.
Builders probably say, that it's our business.
But if you say it can not doing, that's the end of it to say it.
I wonder if that Buildings would have a lot of vacants 30years later, and law and order may be bad so the towns may be going to ghost town. But it's only on my opnion.
I'm not sure about politics, But I wonder someone who is a politician thinking about the future of a tomorrow in Japan.
I may made a lot of mistekes in my diary, I excuse myself that I'm lacking for a full of studying last year.
It is my intention to study hard this year.