すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ If only we had more money!
この if only は.... でありさえすれば/しばしば主節を略して感嘆的に用い、残念な気持ちを表す
If only he comes in time....彼が間に会って来さえすればなあ!
If I had only known!...知ってさえいたならなあ!
If only it would stop raining....雨さえやめばいいのになあ!
○ If I were you, I would accept his offer.
If I were you....もし私があなただったら
I would accept his offer....彼の申し出を受け入れるよ (would 可能性、かもしれない/ でしょう.
○ This is what I have made of it!
This is... 「此れは~です」と言う意味の強調構文です
what I have made of it...what は関係代名詞です I have made と現在完了が使われています
made of it... make A of B は Bから Aを作るbをAにすると言う慣用表現
make -of one's life の人生を送るという慣用句が隠されています
This is what I have made a night of it...お祭り騒ぎをして飲み明かした
○ He looked as if he had enjoyed the party.
この場合の He looked as if は He looked like と同じで意味は (らしい)
My diary
This is what I have made of it 私の人生こうなった どうなったのか説明した
い時 This is what I have made of money after I got married
(私の人生結婚して金持ちになった) 正しいかどうかは判らない ただ (it こう) を説明するとこの様になる.
This is what I have made of my life happly to the end.
If only さえすればなあ! の他に (たとえ...だけでもの意味もある)
I'll go if only to have a look at at it...一目見るだけでも行くよ.
If I were you...もし私があなたなら
If I were you I would go the university in the U.K to study modern
literature in English.
as if...らしい.
He looked as if she were was ill..彼女は病気の様に見えた.