すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Mochi rice that has been left to soak in water overnight is steamed and then put into the mortar.
Mochi rice....もち米は
that has been left to soak in water overnight...一晩水につけます
is steamed and then into the morter....蒸されてそして臼にいれます
○ <i>Mochi</i>-making is always done by two or more people.
is always done...何時でも行います
by two or more people...二人以上で
○ Because <i>mochi</i> is very stretchy, it’s seen as a symbol of longevity and it has been regarded as an auspicious food for centuries.
because mochi is very stretchy...持ちは良く伸びます
it's seen as a symble of longevity...長寿の象徴とされてます
and it has been regarded....考えられてきた
as an auspicious...吉兆、幸運な、
food for centuries...昔から縁起の良い食べ物
お正月だからお餅の話題はあっていますね! お餅は大好き!
お雑煮、やきもち、(しょうゆ 黄粉、あんこ)等をつけて食べます
(rice cake)
I love mochi very much, it be fit the story of mochi as a New Year's Day today.
I eat rice cakes boiled with vegetables, boild mochi with soy sauce,soybean flour, and sweeted small beans.
Mochi is a good digest food so that I could eat it much more than usual, but I don't need a stomach medicine.
(A aspiration of this year)
I don't have special aspiration, but I want to continue to study English.
And when I looked back for half a year, I want that I'll be able to a good improvement at that time.