Ich habe einen Bärenhunger.
J'ai une faim de loup.
I'm hungry as a wolf. Since I'm to take a medical checkup tomorrow morning, I'm prohibited from eating anything after 9 o'clock tonight. I gulped a 200ml bottle of soy milk with protein during the 10-minute break at the office at seven thirty. I'll hit the hay before I go mad with hunger.
Thank you for your comments. I'll visit your pages tomorrow or later.
Today's joy
昼ごはんに食べたラム肉の焼いたのが、とても美味しくて胃袋にも心にも沁みた。 ありがたい。
減量=食べない これは苦しいですよね、何が辛いと言って空腹を我慢することが一番つらい私です。(三つ子の魂百まで、、戦後の食糧難を幼少期に経験した後遺症と思う私です)
After the inspection, please pay attention to the rebound.
I know how you feel.
Your efforts will surely bear fruit. Good luck!